Thursday, 31 December 2015

6 recipes I to treat hair

6 recipes I  to treat hair 

1= aloe vera gel loss:
Aloe vera gel or aloe juice can be placed directly on the scalp and this can address the hair loss that is due to the drought scalp. The scalp massage juice or aloe vera gel and wait for a few hours and then wash it off with lukewarm water. Phyllanthus with the use of aloe vera powder for 3-6 months for the treatment of hair loss.

 2 = scalp massage:
Regular massage the scalp and hair with lukewarm oil stimulates blood flow, and is considered the best from other oil and other coconut oil. Some oils and other recommended olive oil, jojoba, mustard and castor and almond.

 3 = onion and garlic:

Onions and garlic are sources rich in sulfur and help hair growth. Chopping onions and pressed to extract the juice, and massage the scalp and then shampooing well. It can also be used onions with honey as a mask for the hair. Garlic can be used on the scalp after boiled with coconut oil, and massage the scalp twice to three times a week, to get the best results.
 4 = Hibiscus:

Hibiscus flower its properties as a stimulant It nourishes the hair, and prevent the sudden growth of gray hair, and dealing with the scalp of dandruff, it also prevents hair loss.
5 = eggs:

Egg is a rich source of sulfur, iron, protein, phosphorus, iodine and zinc. It is an excellent treatment for hair re-growth, especially if used with olive oil. It can be used as a component mixture of egg yolk and honey for the treatment of hair loss. More of the causes and treatment of hair loss
 6 = apple cider vinegar and marble:

Rinse hair with a mixture of apple cider vinegar and tea marble treatment is very useful apple vinegar helps maintain the balance of the hair, thereby reducing hair loss.

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