Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Google Camera Photos shortcut now rolling out

Google Camera Photos shortcut now rolling out 
Google photos camera shortcut closeup
If you have applications in both the camera and Google Photos installed on your device, you can now connect them. Once activated Photos, Pictures shortcut to appear every time you take a picture with the camera of Google, basically giving you a stylish way to make photos of your preview image defect or app gallery. Google began pushing this option on the back in December, but now it seems to run at all.
To see if you have the function, just open the assistant Photos tab and check if you see the map above. If you do not, try to update photos. There is apparently a server-side switch, but updating Photos got it activated on both devices for me. Once you have added the shortcut, you will see a card offering to take you to the Google camera to take a photo. You will not see the shortcut until you actually take a picture.

Google Photos camera shortcut in action

When taking a photo, you will see the usual shortcut circular outline in the lower right corner (which takes you to your default gallery app), and a shortcut Photos square elsewhere on the screen. Fortunately, you can drag the square shortcut where you want, even on top of the circular shortcut. This way, when you take a picture you will not have multiple shortcut bubbles on the screen, but there is currently no way to remove or replace the circular shortcut to your default gallery of the application. Of course, some people will like to have two shortcuts.
Google Camera Photos shortcut settings

If you change your mind and want to remove, simply open Photos and go to the Settings menu, scroll down until you see the shortcut to switch camera and off. With any luck the next update will bring a different tipping delete the shortcut of the stock of Google camera and replace it with photos or add a setting in Google Camera to select a default gallery app.

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