Thursday, 31 March 2016

How do you convert old smartphone to a home security camera?

How do you convert old smartphone to a home security camera?


As is the case in a lot of technical services, there are many applications that you can choose among them, with different prices and features and quality levels Prices vary in turn, has applied Manything is the most appropriate and best choice for users of platforms IOS and Android, and the application is available for free to download and use and you can pay for space cloud storage that you want to host the captured video camera.

There also apply Presence to platforms IOS and Android as well, which follows the same free accounts patterns in the application Manything has access also to the Internet, and in front of you also apply iCam is also available for two platforms IOS and Android, and uses this application camera connected computer to provide continuous feed instead of using the old phone or device Tablet is outdated, and has the same features are also free to use with additions to the storage space driven worth.

These three options are suitable for many, but we will describe another service called Perch is available for users of Android only (the most widely used smart phone category) at the moment, it offers many advantages and advise Bagtnaih If you want guardian and eyes watchful eye on your home.

You can download the application Perch first, and then install it on the phone you want to convert to a home camera Qom, and after setting up a new user of your own account Samah you application access to all your devices at one time, it is wonderful to apply the advantages that it can provide streaming video services or watch video from other cameras, so the camera settings open it and follow the instructions.

Put the name to identify your camera own, and then choose between audio recording included during video capture or not, and once you create the account for this step, you can use _aly menu button shaped three Amodah_ points in Page camera voice activated or suppressed and the conversion also between the front camera or the back of your phone smartphone or tablet.

This is the application of the easiest applications presentation for this service, and this is explained how to use reason, and now it's time to put your phone in the situation that you want to have a camera follow the domestic events and you are abroad, and put it next to a source of electricity to avoid stopped his work, and start to view Alveio and storage through the button Red playback, you can login to your account in the application of Perch than any other tool or via the Web by selecting the name of the camera and you'll see the video that the camera recorded.

You can choose other advantage is motion detection alerts, there is also the ability to monitor traffic in certain places if you want to bring your camera on certain areas to track its movement, the last feature with each new user registered user gets the seven days of video storage cloud as a free to identify the characteristics of the service complete.

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