Thursday, 2 March 2017

Turkeys Circling A Dead Cat Are Probably Wary / walk in a circle

Turkeys Circling A Dead Cat Are Probably Wary

/ walk in a circle

More than 15 turkeys walk in a circle  not running or distressed, but walking with intention  around a dead cat in the middle of the road.

Boston Magazine called "Massachusetts' foremost turkey expert," who said it was possible that the birds were trailing behind one animal who set out to investigate the corpse, and then wound up  follow-the-leader style  in a perfect circle.

Biologist Alan Krakauer, an expert on the behavioral ecology of birds, offers an explanation that ascribes a little more intention to the birds. He tells NPR it's "most likely  predator inspection behavior."

He explains that turkeys, when faced with an animal that might eat them, sometimes follow the risky route of actually approaching the predator. It can help signal to other turkeys in the area that there's a threat, or help the turkeys evaluate how big of a danger the predator is.

"Or it could let the predator know the prey are aware of its presence, which might encourage the predator to move elsewhere to seek an easier meal, he says a lot like a group of small songbirds mobbing a hawk or owl they have discovered."

Or, you know, it could backfire  if the predator is a little more  conscious than the cat in the video.

Krakauerhe says

"During my studies of wild turkeys I watched a coyote trot through a group of turkeys  the turkeys gave it some space but acted alert in a similar manner to this video. In that instance the coyote kept walking and the turkeys went back to their business.
"However, in this video, the dead cat 'predator' doesn't get up to leave, and the turkeys appear to be kind of stuck in their pattern of behavior. Maybe they are waiting to see if the cat wakes up?
That is, waiting to see if the dead rise, instead of ritually working to raise the dead.

Either way, we can all agree it would be alarming for turkeys and humans alike if that cat sprang up.

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