Tuesday, 13 June 2017

Why you should stay away from Meat one day a year

Why you should stay away from

Meat one day a year

Today – Monday June 12, 2017 – is World Meat-Free Day, which celebrates an initiative that hopes to get everyone to adopt a vegetarian diet for just 24 hours. The aim is to promote healthier diets, living sustainably, and cutting our carbon footprint.

Right – let’s do the math, as they say. We’ll be sticking to SI units for now, but we’re nice, so we shall convert things to Imperial units right at the end.

The average meat consumption in the US per person – which also takes into account vegetarians – is 90 kilograms per year, as of 2014. That’s about 0.25 kilograms per day, which across the entire population of the US is 80.4 million kilograms of meat per day. (That’s far higher than the global average, by the way, but we digress

Producing meat takes quite a lot of energy. You have to provide either feed to the animals or let them graze on open pastures. Either way, you need to grow that food, as well as water the land and keep the cattle from getting parched – all of which generates carbon dioxide emissions.

You need electricity for all this too, and the upkeep, transportation, and processing all bring with them an additional carbon footprint. The methane emissions that escape out of the mouths and butts of these animals – particularly cows – is also a major contributing factor to the carbon footprint.

A report by the nonprofit, US-based Environmental Working Group (EWG) calculated, using the best available data, the total amount of carbon dioxide produced per kilogram of meat product, for both farming and post-farming environments, for a variety of livestock.

For the sake of simplicity, we’ve gone with the most common types of meat: beef, chicken, pork, and lamb. We aren’t taking into account fish, dairy, eggs, turkey nor veal – which means these numbers are a very conservative estimate.

Per kilo of beef, you get 39.25 kilos of carbon dioxide; the same goes for lamb. Pork produces 12.12, and chicken just 6.8.

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