Wednesday, 8 August 2018

How I feel happy

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The appreciation and enjoyment of small things are important to help increase the level of happiness of the individual and make him feel comfortable, and can be through
 Introduce nice things into everyday life
. Trying to stay in the new positive experiences and deepen them. Assessing the things that an individual has at the moment, and this can be done by putting a picture of the family, for example, on the work desk or a paper with the favorite statement, to remind the person of his goals. Reflecting on a picture of a beautiful natural scene, this method helps to reduce the rates of tension and blood pressure, and it is worth noting that you should be careful to change the image periodically, so as not to dull the person. Note
 Most good opportunities in life are accompanied by a few unexpected fuss, and for the best results and happiness, all these opportunities should be taken care of and exploited even if they are small. Self-Esteem for Happiness Self-esteem must be recognized and remembered for anything accomplished, focus on good qualities, appreciation of achievements and personal works, whether it is a great work as a project start, a small achievement like a telephone call, a frank conversation with someone who has ended well, All this draws attention to strengths, and increases self-esteem that helps to raise morale
Avoid unhealthy foods, especially junk food, increase happiness. One study published on SAGE suggests that there is a link between frequent eating of fast-food restaurants, the inability to feel good and positive experiences in life, To save time, they reduce the patient’s patience status
 According to a report published by the American Psychiatric Association, many suffer from “debt of sleep”, which means not getting enough sleep for long periods, depriving oneself of sleep is linked to mood swings and this affects relations and feelings of happiness, and suggests the American Psychiatric Association, The period of sleep that is not obtained, by getting (60-90) additional minutes of sleep, it is worth mentioning that when a person is happy, it gets a good sleep and does not suffer from difficulty sleeping
 Many studies have proven that there is a great benefit to spend time with friends and family members, it makes the person happier

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