Friday, 4 February 2022

Avoid forbidden drinks during pregnancy Avoid these drinks during pregnancy

  Avoid forbidden drinks during pregnancy Avoid these drinks during pregnancy

Eating the favorite daily drink is a habit of all women,

 But during pregnancy there are some prohibitions on drinks,

 which is taken by pregnant women that many women neglect,

Even though they know that everything they eat reaches the fetus

But the biggest concern is the quality of the foods.

 Which should be taken or refrained from during pregnancy.

So speaking of drinks,

 The foods that you eat and that you should avoid during pregnancy are just as important as the foods,

 So today in this article we will tell you about some drinks,

Which you should avoid during pregnancy.

Banned drinks during pregnancy



 You should absolutely refrain from drinking cinnamon or cinnamon in milk during pregnancy,

 The doctors indicated that it leads to increased contractions of the uterine muscles,

 What causes early miscarriage?

However, this is different in the last month of pregnancy, so doctors recommend taking it to speed up the occurrence of labour

coffee and tea

Coffee and tea are prohibited drinks during pregnancy because they contain caffeine, but it is possible to consume a reasonable amount of coffee or tea in the sense not to over-drink them. Three cups of tea.

Green tea

Green tea is a healthy drink that contains antioxidants

However, there are no studies confirming its effectiveness and impact during pregnancy, so we can deal with green tea as in the case of regular tea.

Because it contains caffeine.

 Green tea also leads to the absorption of folic acid.

 Which a pregnant woman must increase in her body, because its deficiency affects the growth of the fetus

Soft drinks

Soft drinks of all kinds contain not a small amount of sugar

 Negatively affect the mother's weight

It also contains caffeine, a nerve stimulant and a diuretic.

 These drinks break down calcium in the bones

 Therefore, it should be avoided during pregnancy

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