Thursday, 28 June 2018

30 way to lose 10 pounds per month

Sometimes we need a quick weight loss to attend an occasion or to improve our psyche slightly or even to get rid of altitude
Sudden sugar in the blood. Today we came to you with thirty tips to lose at least five kilograms in one month.
1. Eat breakfast daily because it increases your body’s metabolism by 20%. The breakfast we offer you is not fried eggs and toast with jam and butter, but take the cereal with the skimmed milk, or one kind of fruit with the skimmed milk.
2. Add a bit of nuts to the breakfast, less than a tablespoon in your hand.
3. Avoid eating starches of rice, pasta and bread every day. If anything happens, eat whole grains or browns in a few quantities.
4. Take complementary vitamins of a good type to protect your skin, hair and nails.
5. Eat your lunch and never eat from restaurants. You do not know anything about the amount of fat in it.
6. Do not eat too much meat, and if you eat it be grilled, and if you eat chicken do not forget to remove the skin because it contains a lot of fat.
7. Eat salmon at least once a week.
8. Mery one day each week, using whole leafy vegetables, lettuce, spinach, watercress, green onions, etc.
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9. Eat half a liter of water every day.
10. Do not add salt to your food at all.
11. Take yourself once a week with dry fruits such as raisins, dried apricots and figs.
12. Do not eat bananas, grapes and dates.
13. Do not cut vegetables or eat anything fried, it is better to eat vegetables fresh, grilled or boiled.
14. Eat only the amount of meat the size of the palm of hand, and the amount of hand-sized starches also and the rest of your dish of boiled vegetables or power, this is the ideal form of lunch or dinner.
15. Do not drink processed and sweetened juices, if you want a glass of juice, prepare yourself using fruit juices.
16. Using the juice of the fruit itself, drink some leafy vegetables, such as parsley and watercress for a whole day of each week. It is not palatable but it has a great effect on the skin and hair, relieves the lye and reduces appetite.
17. Before dinner or lunch 20 minutes, eat a cup of ginger, cinnamon and cumin. Just before and not after the meal.
18. Do not take any meals in front of the TV or in the cinema.
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19. Refrain from soft drinks whether diet or otherwise.
20. Walk 30 minutes every day, climb stairs and do not use the elevator. Do not use the car in every way, but walk and use public transport.
21. Perform abdominal exercises seriously for a quarter of an hour daily in the morning and before sleeping, you will notice a change in the muscles of your abdomen after two weeks.
22. Do not make tea or coffee, do not add sugar to any drink.
23. Confectionery is strictly prohibited.
24. Use a good cream to get rid of cellulite and to whiten the body.
25. Rehydrate for a session or glycerin this month to freeze fat.
26. We are in the swimming season now, twice a week.
27. Set a goal that keeps you excited at the end of the month, like buying a smaller-size dress, for example, or go on a sea trip and enjoy the bathing suits that will be nicer for you.
28. Do not drink or eat anything but skimmed milk, milk and cheese.
29. All of the fruits are one day and not as varied.
30. Encourage yourself, my images are areas of your body every day and watch change, such as belly and waist, for example

Things You Should Do Until You Lose Weight In Your 30 Day Diet

Individuals who follow the 30-day diet refrain from consuming sugar, artificial sweeteners, cereals, dairy products, legumes, and alcohol for 30 days long. This means that the vast majority of packaged foods – from biscuits to ketchup – are outside of this diet, as is the case with your evening cup of red wine. Foods that are usually useful and good for you, such as quinoa, chickpeas and Greek yogurt, are also taboos.

But has not this diet been so strict?
According to the founders of the 30 Day Dietary System, these foods are likely to cause inflammation and damage to the bowel which can make you sick or not feel you are in the best condition. They are also the foods that dieters say are consistently manipulating blood sugar levels and leading to an urge to eat certain foods, especially sugars. But it is difficult to say whether this is true for everyone. In general, reducing the consumption of sugar and alcohol is always a good idea. But the consumption of dairy products, cereals and legumes does not stimulate an allergy reaction
And with the ban on the consumption of sugars, cereals, dairy products, legumes in this diet, here’s what the 30-day dieters are allowed to eat:
Fresh fruits and vegetables (allowed to eat dried fruits, but in small amounts).
Fat-free proteins, such as fish, poultry, beef and pork (preferably sources fed on grass and organic).
Healthy fats, such as olive oil, avocado, coconut oil, or ghee.
Nuts and butter made from nuts, such as cashew nuts, macadamia nuts, almonds, and almond butter.
But why should this diet be followed for 30 days?
Because this is how much time it takes your body to reset itself and start the recovery process, says the authors of the diet book. And it is also time to change your taste and improve your relationship with food, so you start a natural way of favoring whole foods compared to the ones that are being processed heavily. After 30 days, you are encouraged to re-introduce foods that are not allowed slowly into your diet, to find out what suits you and what is not. (This is what happens to your body when you stop eating processed food).
But of course, just one month of eating healthy, clean food is not enough to ensure you will not return to your old eating habits. But it is time to lay the foundation for adopting new health habits, and rehabilitating your taste to accept healthier foods

A recipe for cooking rice can reduce calories by half

A recipe for cooking rice can reduce calories by half
If you are a carbohydrate enthusiast, have you heard the terrible news? Sri Lankan scientists have come up with a simple cooking trick that will reduce calories in rice and other starchy carbohydrates by as much as half of their traditionally cooked counterparts. Yes, I have read this phrase correctly: half the calories in the same amount of food. Try this recipe at home: Add a teaspoon of healthy oil, such as coconut or olive oil, to the cooking water for each half cup of uncooked rice (use a glass of water for half a cup of water). Uncooked rice). Cook the rice as you normally would, but then let it cool all night in the fridge, and it will be fun! The rice, which has a natural taste, has fewer calories. Rice, which had “improved” to yield higher yields, was 10 to 12 percent less calories when cooked by this method, says Sudhair James, A student who presented the results at the National Chemical Society meeting and exhibition last week. But James is optimistic that using this method in traditional hereditary recipes, especially some red rice, can reduce calories by 50 to 60 percent. And yes, even if you reheat rice, the number of calories will not change.

How this happens: The cooling process, along with the fat in the oil, increases the resistance level of starchy rice (RS), a fragile form of carbohydrates that the small intestine can not break down and convert to glucose.
Better yet, the trick may also work on other starchy foods such as pasta, pulses and cereals such as oatmeal and tubers such as potatoes. A similar study has shown that cooking, cooling and then reheating these foods greatly increases RS levels or starchy resistance levels.
Finally, RS is not only a good way to reduce calories, too. This magical starch has been linked to improving insulin sensitivity, improving bowel function and digestion, increasing satiety, and increasing fat burning

Monday, 25 June 2018

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How This Miraculous Sleep Formula Can Help Promote Rest And Slow Down Your Aging

Does it sometimes take you longer than 15 minutes to “shut down” your brain and fall asleep?
Do you sometimes toss and turn during the night… getting restless, frustrating sleep?
And when you wake up… does the skin on your face look like it aged overnight? (Maybe looking 5 or 10 years older?)
Now, imagine falling asleep almost as soon as your head hits the pillow… and STAYING asleep through the entire night..
How much bad sleep will you endure before you look like this WAY too soon?
Now, here’s a question for you…
What if you found out that your sleeping patterns and the speeding up of your age may have very little to do with…
your consumption of caffeine after 1PM
your newly purchased mattress
your late night TV viewing
your habit of sleeping in on the weekends
Could it be… that everything you’ve been told isn’t completely true?
Could it be that not only ​those things are what’s REALLY causing your bad sleep?
It turns out…
…there’s something deep inside you that helps regulate your sleep-cycle.
And it’s not being talked about today.
It’s called your “sleep mechanism.”
Your “sleep mechanism”helps you get incredible sleep at night, massive energy during the day, and help slow down your aging… getting you feeling younger than you have in years.
The 3 scientists that were awarded The 2017 Nobel Prize in Medicine have figured out the KEY to GREAT sleep that may help REVERSE your premature aging…
But you can CHANGE your sleep issues… and help “slow down” your aging… today. It only takes 5 seconds.
So, if you, like so many millions of Americans suffer with occasional bad quality of sleep… frustrated tossing and turning…waking up in the middle of the night and can’t get back to sleep…“older looking” skin problems…and brain fog during the day. 
Then you need to read this free report until the end… it could be what you’ve been looking for

Saturday, 9 June 2018

How to Lose Weight age of 50 | tips for slimming down

After reaching the age of fifty will
show an increase in weight throughout your body 
as various scientific studies have shown that 
digestion in humans, especially in women, 
decreases with age, especially at the age 
of menopause. Also, the enzymes do not function 
normally and it becomes difficult to lose weight 
or even maintain it. Therefore, we suggest that 
you follow the following five steps to reduce your
weight and maintain your external appearance, 
which greatly affects your psychology

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Wednesday, 6 June 2018

Moto Z3 Play launched with 18:9 Play is official with rare side-mounted...

Motorola has announced the latest in the mid-range Z Play line of phones, the $499 Moto Z3 Play. Motorola is still pushing its "MotoMod" modular system, and for that $499 price, the Z3 will come with an extra battery backpack.

Your $500 gets you a glass front and back with aluminum sides. Inside there's a 1.8GHz Snapdragon 636 SoC, 4GB of RAM, 32GB of storage, and a 3000mAh battery. There's a dual-camera setup on the back with one 12MP sensor and a 5MP depth sensor, while the front has an 8MP selfie cam. You get a USB-C port on the bottom, a microSD slot, and no headphone jack.

Moto Z3 Play specifications and features

Thanks to the thinner bezels, the Moto Z3 Play sports a 6.01-inch Super AMOLED display, featuring a resolution of 1080×2160 pixels. Under the hood is a Snapdragon 636 octa-core SoC, paired alongside 4GB of RAM. There are two storage configurations that include 32GB and 64GB.

The Moto Z3 Play is only launching in Brazil right now, while Motorola says it will "roll out globally starting this month." In the US, the Moto Z Play will only be available on Sprint and US Cellular. You can buy it unlocked from all the usual suspects.

Sunday, 3 June 2018

Review : Honor 10 AI Cameras You can rely on them | dual cameras at the ...

Honor 10 AI Cameras You can rely on them / dual cameras at the back

The Honor 10 comes with dual cameras at the back, and a single camera at the front. Out of the two cameras, one is a 16-megapixel primary color sensor (RGB) of f/1.8 aperture, supplemented with a 24-megapixel monochrome (Black & White) sensor. Together the cameras let you click photos with 2X optical zoom, and also add DSLR-like bokeh effects to your photos.

Up front is a 24-megapixel camera of aperture f/2.0 for selfies and video calling. It also lets you click portrait selfies with background blur effects, add augmented reality (AR) based stickers, and add studio like 3D lighting effects. There is also an artist mode that lets you add Prisma-like artwork effects to your photos and selfies.

Honor 10 Camera App

The camera app is pretty straightforward. The top bar has toggle buttons for LED flash, live photos and to turn AI camera on and off, along with Settings button. Along the bottom, you have the camera shutter button in the center, a shortcut to camera roll on the left and a button to switch between front and rear cameras on the right.

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Saturday, 2 June 2018

Whale eaten 80 plastic bags has died off Thailand

Whale eaten 80 plastic bags has died off Thailand

A pilot whale has died off southern Thailand after swallowing 80 plastic bags, Thai marine officials say.

The whale vomited five bags during a vain attempt by conservation officials to save it in a canal in Songkhla province.

The bags, weighing about 8kg (17lbs), had made it impossible for the whale to eat food, a marine expert said.

A recent report warned the amount of plastic in the ocean could triple in a decade unless litter was curbed.

Thailand is a major user of plastic bags and its government last month announced it was considering a levy on them.

They are believed to kill hundreds of marine animals there each year.

The small male pilot whale had been discovered ailing and unable to swim in the Na Thap Canal last Monday

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