Thursday, 28 June 2018

A recipe for cooking rice can reduce calories by half

A recipe for cooking rice can reduce calories by half
If you are a carbohydrate enthusiast, have you heard the terrible news? Sri Lankan scientists have come up with a simple cooking trick that will reduce calories in rice and other starchy carbohydrates by as much as half of their traditionally cooked counterparts. Yes, I have read this phrase correctly: half the calories in the same amount of food. Try this recipe at home: Add a teaspoon of healthy oil, such as coconut or olive oil, to the cooking water for each half cup of uncooked rice (use a glass of water for half a cup of water). Uncooked rice). Cook the rice as you normally would, but then let it cool all night in the fridge, and it will be fun! The rice, which has a natural taste, has fewer calories. Rice, which had “improved” to yield higher yields, was 10 to 12 percent less calories when cooked by this method, says Sudhair James, A student who presented the results at the National Chemical Society meeting and exhibition last week. But James is optimistic that using this method in traditional hereditary recipes, especially some red rice, can reduce calories by 50 to 60 percent. And yes, even if you reheat rice, the number of calories will not change.

How this happens: The cooling process, along with the fat in the oil, increases the resistance level of starchy rice (RS), a fragile form of carbohydrates that the small intestine can not break down and convert to glucose.
Better yet, the trick may also work on other starchy foods such as pasta, pulses and cereals such as oatmeal and tubers such as potatoes. A similar study has shown that cooking, cooling and then reheating these foods greatly increases RS levels or starchy resistance levels.
Finally, RS is not only a good way to reduce calories, too. This magical starch has been linked to improving insulin sensitivity, improving bowel function and digestion, increasing satiety, and increasing fat burning

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