Tuesday, 14 April 2020

How to absorb your husband's anger and turn it to your advantage ?

How to absorb your husband's anger and turn it to your 


Marital problems may raid any calm my husband's nest and congratulations to those who can absorb the anger of her husband in the event of a fight and turn him into a meek child, and to succeed in this task, here are these tips:

1 If the husband objects to Badr’s behavior from you, then try to persuade him that this behavior is a benefit to him.

2 Not to embarrass the husband at the moment of his anger is a great gain alone, how much he feels that your heart is great and that the relationship is not a challenge but a special affection, if you find for him a way out of the embarrassment in which his moment of anger occurred, then his heart will spread to you and work to offer a lot to you, but without feeling that he thanks your rescue Him in order to protect himself

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