Saturday, 22 February 2025

Secrets of the Mummy of Thutmose II: The Archaeological Discovery That Shook the World!

 "Welcome to my blog! Today, we will take you on an exciting journey into the depths of ancient Egyptian history, as archaeologists reveal to us one of the greatest archaeological discoveries of the current century: the tomb of King Thutmose II!

Did you know that this tomb is the last lost tomb of the kings of the Eighteenth Dynasty? And that it is the first discovery of a royal tomb since the discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamun in 1922?

Don't miss the details of this amazing story that will change our understanding of the history of the pharaohs! Subscribe to the channel now, and press the bell button to receive all alerts and don't miss any new details!

Introduction: The archaeological discovery that the world has been waiting for a century

More than a hundred years after the discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamun, an Egyptian-British research team announced an amazing discovery: the tomb of King Thutmose II, the last lost tomb of the kings of the Eighteenth Dynasty in Egypt. This discovery is considered one of the greatest archaeological discoveries in modern history, as it opens a new window to understand the era of the pharaohs and their great civilization.

Discovery location: A surprise in the Valley of the Kings

The tomb of Thutmose was found The second is in the western valleys of the "Theban Tombs" near Luxor, an area previously known as a burial site for queens. The surprise was when it turned out that the tomb belonged to a pharaoh and not to one of the queens. The discovery came during archaeological excavations of tomb No. C4, where its entrance and main passage were found in 2022.

The first royal tomb in a century

This discovery is considered the first of its kind since 1922, when the tomb of Tutankhamun was found. The tomb of Thutmose II contains a huge staircase and a large passage, indicating the grandeur of the place and its historical importance. However, the archaeological team faced great difficulties in removing the rubble from the passages that were filled with debris as a result of ancient floods.

The mystery of the disappearance of the tomb

The tomb was completely empty, not only because of theft, but because its contents were deliberately moved in ancient times. Research indicates that the tomb was flooded a few years after the king was buried, which led to his mummy being reburied in another location. These details add a new layer of mystery to the story of Thutmose II.

Who is Thutmose II?

Thutmose II is the fourth pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty, and the son of King Thutmose I. He ruled Egypt during the New Kingdom, and married his half-sister Hatshepsut, who later became pharaoh. The mummy of Thutmose II was found in the Deir el-Bahari cache in 1881, and is now on display at the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization.

The impact of the discovery on tourism and scientific understanding

This discovery is not just an archaeological event, but also a strong boost for the tourism sector in Egypt. It also opens new horizons for scientific research, as it helps scientists better understand the history of the Eighteenth Dynasty and the civilization of ancient Egypt.

Conclusion: A discovery that changes history

The discovery of the tomb of Thutmose II is not just a historical event, but a testament to the greatness of ancient Egyptian civilization. This discovery reminds us that the secrets of the pharaohs have not yet been revealed, and that every stone may hide a story waiting to be discovered.

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