Monday, 20 June 2016

Microsoft shows that Chrome is the most consuming battery .. The Edge is the best!

Microsoft shows that Chrome is the most consuming battery .. The Edge is the best!

Microsoft Corp. has posted a video on YouTube shows the company network experience for months Internet browsers to illustrate how much the speed of consumption of the battery, and has experience using the Windows operating system with a 10-run high-definition video over the Internet.
مايكروسوفت تظهر أن كروم هو الأكثر استهلاكًا للبطارية.. وإيدج هو الأفضل!
Microsoft used the four devices in the same technical specifications and the hardware running each browser is different, and browsers were involved in the experiment are the Google Chrome browser, as well as the Firefox browser as well as Opera browser and certainly the private EDGE Microsoft's browser, which has the comparison of him to demonstrate his preference for the rest of the browsers.

Experiment carried out by Microsoft showed that Google's Chrome browser enables HD video playback for a period of 4 hours and about 20 minutes; it is the worst among the rest of the browsers in terms of battery drain, while Firefox lasted for 5 hours and 10 minutes, followed by the Opera browser continued to play the same video for 6 hours and 19 minutes ago, and eventually carried the machine running Microsoft EDGE browser after almost 7 hours and 22 minutes of work battery, which is longer than the rest of the hardware time.

Microsoft explained in this experience on her blog also that the browser Edge beats Chrome by 70% in his province on the machine power, and by 43% compared to the browser Firefox, and by 17% compared with the Opera browser, knowing that Microsoft has enabled Battery Saver feature subject to various testing devices.

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