Wednesday, 29 June 2016

see Life after Intel

The last time I was unemployed, this is what a mobile phone looked like.
You won’t find me fishing full time, nor living in one of those golf cart gated communities. I need to and want to continue to work, so the job search will begin soon. The last time I was unemployed was for a couple of weeks after I graduated from college in 1984.
My hope is to continue to work in Application Security, my security work at Intel has ignited a passion in the subject that I want to continue to pursue. In the near term I will work on getting a couple of security certifications that involve some intensive study and exam prep.
While this change is not what I had in mind, I’m choosing to think of it as an opportunity. As I figure out “what’s next”, I’d like to think that the following attributes will characterize ‘life after Intel’ for me:
  • A growth mindset (continually growing, not stagnating nor regressing)
  • No regrets (per John Ortberg, we can turn the ‘right door’ into the ‘wrong door’ by the way we go through it – by spending all our focus on 2nd guessing the decision)
  • Discipline (for the sake of what discipline leads to, not for the sake of discipline itself)
  • Service to others (I’ve been so blessed, and I’m still firmly a believer in abundance over scarcity. As such, I’m compelled to serve.)
  • Lack of comfort (growth and comfort never coexist)
  • Positivity (my life is decidedly more about purpose than about circumstances, I can choose my reaction to circumstances – and I choose to be positive)
  • Intentionality (as Zig Ziglar always said, “if you aim at nothing, you’ll hit it every time”)

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