Tuesday, 28 February 2017

fitness routine to lose weight # 14 Ways to Lose Weight Faster

fitness routine to lose weight # 14 Ways to Lose Weight Faster

number 1

Clock more aerobic cardio. Any activity that permits you to talk but makes it difficult to carry out long conversations (i.e. aerobic exercise) is a secret weapon for weight loss

 number 2

   Actually work. Going through the motions won't help you lose weight even if you half-ass it for 45 minutes

number  3

 Fluctuate between different intensities. When you change things up, every system of the body has to adapt, explains Franci Cohen

number  4

Do not fear weights. While lifting weights won't necessarily burn fat, it will build muscle

number  5

 Exhaust whatever muscle you're working. That burning sensation you get in your thighs after doing lots of lunges

number  6

 Alternate between working different muscle groups. Also known as cross-training

number  7

 Stop wasting time between exercises. Bathroom breaks and other excuses for dillydallying give your heart rate

number  8

 Relax with the marathon workouts. You might feel like a rock star when you double up on fitness classes or outlast the girl on the next elliptica

number  9

 Engage your core during every exercise. Most exercises involve your core in some capacity

number  10

 Stand on something besides the floor. When you stand on a Bosu ball, trampoline, or balance beam

number  11

 Do a HIIT workout once or twice a week

number  12

Try a different cardio machine. Your 30-minute cardio session will feel like a 45-er if you choose a machine you're not used

number  13

 Plan your playlists strategically. Assuming you have some semblance of rhythm and the ability to adjust your pace to the bea

number  14

Forget about the scale. While you might think you want to lose "weight," what you really want to lose is fat

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