Friday, 14 April 2017

Mom shares her son's heartbreaking last days to say 'I love you mommy'

Mom shares her son's heartbreaking last days

 to say 'I love you mommy'

On February 4, 2017, Scully's son Nolan lost his battle with Rhabdomyosarcoma, a rare form of cancer that affects soft tissue. In an ode to her son, Scully shared a photo collage on Facebook showing the harsh realities of childhood cancer.

She explains that during his struggle 4-year-old Nolan refused to leave her side, even lying on the bathroom floor when she showered.

The first picture shows Nolan on a bathmat. It was taken before he left for the hospital to start an aggressive chemotherapy regimen. The second picture, taken on the two-month anniversary of his death, shows the same bathmat, this time without Nolan.

"Now I'm the one terrified to shower," Scully wrote in her post. "With nothing but an empty shower rug now where once a beautiful perfect little boy laid waiting for his Mommy."

 Two months since I've held you in my arms, heard how much you loved me, kissed those sweetie "pie" lips. Two months since we've snuggled. Two months of pure absolute Hell.

I've wanted for a long time to write a little about Nolan's last days. His last few days shined with how amazing my son is. How beautiful he is. How he was made of nothing but pure love. This may be long, but bear with me, it's agony unlike any other.

Nolan told his mother he wanted to be remembered as a policeman.

It wasn't all serious business during his last 36 hours. "We played,  as we could," Scully wrote.

In their last few hours together Scully went to take a shower. When she came out, she saw a medical team surrounding her son. He had slipped into a coma, "beginning the end of life passing," she said. She ran to her son.

But something amazing happened.

Nolan, despite suffering a collapsed lung, took a breath, opened his eyes, and said "I love you Mommy."

He died shortly after, as his mother sang "You are my Sunshine" to him.

A legacy of love

Scully hopes two things come of sharing Nolan's story. The first, that others will learn from the legacy he left behind. "Nolan showed everyone how people should be treated, and how you should take care of one another. He was made of nothing but love and goodness," Scully said.

She also hopes this post serves as a wake up call to raise awareness. After Nolan's death, his oncologist told Scully something she will always remember.

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