Friday, 27 July 2018

Factors that lead to weight gain after the age of 50

That the shape of the body begins to change after the end of the stage of fertility,
Where the distribution of fat to concentrate around the waist and abdomen
 In what is known as “central obesity” or “local obesity”
 The Medical Journal of Australia reported
 It is necessary to educate women about the risks of metabolism, heart and blood vessels that accompany this type of obesity
Post-fifties, and the effect of estrogen withdrawal from the body
On the speed of redistribution of fat
. In general, the weight gain during this phase is mainly due to low level of physical activity and metabolism,
 With age. Therefore, mothers should be encouraged to maintain their physical activity and exercise on a daily basis
 Even with certain disabilities such as arthritis, osteoporosis, and knee pain.
 According to the National Recommendations for Physical Activity in Australia
 Adults should do at least 30 minutes of moderate activity such as moderate walking, jogging or swimming

Hormonal changes associated with the age of interrupted menstrual cycle
May make you more likely inclined to gain weight
Around your belly, instead of your hips and thighs.
 But hormonal changes alone do not cause weight gain after menopause.
 Instead, weight gain is usually related to lifestyle and genetic factors       

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