Sunday, 22 March 2020

6 new symptoms revealed by people from Corona

coronavirus + New symptoms revealed by people from Corona

Pain in the sinuses

 Sinus pain is common when you catch a cold or flu, and the person feels pain in the forehead, on both sides of the nose, in the upper jaw and teeth, or between the eyes.

Conor Reed, a resident of Wuhan, China, one of the first Britons to have had the coronavirus, and recovered from it, said the sinus condition was a "torture" while he was suffering from the virus, and wrote in his diary: "This is no longer just a cold, I feel pain everywhere, my head beats, my eyes are burning, "he said, adding that his bones hurt and he coughed.

A few days later, pneumonia disappeared but he continued to suffer from sinus pain, and then after only two days, he reported that he was feeling better.

Ear pressure 

Connor discovered that one of the symptoms of the Corona virus is feeling the pressure in the ears, which makes him feel "ready to explode", and since many of the symptoms of the virus are similar to the flu, this ear pressure is likely due to a blockage of tubes in the ear due to what the virus does inside the body .

When the Eustachian tube connecting the inner ear to the middle ear becomes clogged, pressure in the ear, and sometimes ear pain, can be felt.

These symptoms of ear congestion may also be caused by problems in the middle ear or ear canal affecting the tympanic membrane.

Severe headache 

Headache is a symptom of multiple health problems, so you should not immediately panic immediately, feel a little headache, and preferably drink plenty of water, get enough rest, and relax. And stay away from electronic screens.

Health experts advise any person suspected of having symptoms of the Corona virus to take paracetamol instead of ibuprofen, with access to the latest health information, as it may change with further testing of the virus.

Burning eyes 

Some people may feel itching and irritation in the eye as a result of exposure to smog, smoke, dust, mold and even among animals, but the only difference between these cases and the conditions described by patients with the Corona virus, is the fact that the virus raises these symptoms and is not an external factor.

Sore throat 

It appears as though patients with COVID-19 feel a combination of cold and flu symptoms, combined with typical symptoms of a small allergic reaction.

Sore throat can be caused by swelling and inflammation caused by too much coughing, which we know is a common occurrence among people with coronavirus.

And then the victim feels as if he is struggling to breathe or swallow or find any lumps or bumps that you have not seen before, and here he needs to see the doctor immediately, and monitor the symptoms so you can know when things started to change.

Pain in the body 

People with HIV describe pain throughout the body, not only due to clogging of the sinuses, ears or nose, but also in the arms, legs and chest, stress and anxiety can exacerbate these aches and pains.

The lungs look like a paper bag 

If a person is breathing and feels their lungs are almost cracked, this may be a sign of something more serious than just a cold or flu.

This type of noise can often happen if the small air sacs in the lungs are filled with fluid, as well as the air you breathe in and release.

These fluid-filled air sacs often occur as a result of pneumonia, a condition associated with coronavirus.
If your breathing is creaking, it may be due to inflammation of the bronchial tubes in the lungs.

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