Monday, 26 July 2021

How did blue jeans start with one leg?

Beginning with one man

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To begin with the story, it is enough to mention the name of Levi Strauss, which she still bears today, and perhaps for a long time to come, the most famous of trousers, and not pants, jeans. This man, whose name entered the world of immortality thanks to a type of cloth and a conscious commercial mind, was the first "discoverer" of jeans, and we will not say the first inventor, because the secret of the place of these pants in his cloth. His cloth was just merchandise from Italy: fabrics made for tents, not trousers. In that transformation, Lévi-Strauss kept secret and the value of what he did.

Who is this Levi Strauss?

 Who is the man who was motivated by his commercial sense one day in the year 1850 AD, to invent trousers, from which his company sold in a century and a half, until today, more than a billion pieces, if we mention only the pants?

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Like everyone in America (except for the Native Americans), Levi Strauss came from abroad. From Bavaria, Germany, where he was born in 1829 AD. When he was fourteen, his family immigrated to the United States, in search of a better situation. The Strauss lived for some time in Louisville, Kentucky, and then moved to New York. There, like thousands of other middle- and lower-class people, Lévi-Strauss's people from the cloth trade lived very modestly. Those were the years of the pioneers, and everyone with a creative mind and daily activity could earn a living and wealth if he knew how to work. The Strauss soon achieved modest success thanks to the fabric it was importing from Germany and Italy and selling it in the New World metropolis, particularly in the German Quarter. However, this geographical space would not satisfy the young Levy, who was over twenty. At a family meeting to study ways to achieve more success and wealth, the congregation talked about what is happening in the second place in America: California, where the gold seekers were heading thousands upon thousands to build a new society and gain new wealth. When reviewing the situation, Levy told his two older brothers, Jonas and Louis, "Give me the cloth and I'll go to California."

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miners demand 

That was the real start. A few weeks later, Levi was disembarking from a passenger steamer in the port of San Francisco, with hundreds of gold diggers. As for him, he was loaded with cloth, or what was left of him, because our friend, with his intelligence inherited from his family, sold most of what he had of wool and cotton while on board the ship. What remained was a thick blue cloth, originally made for tents. The cloth was imported from the city of Genoa (Jeans in the English pronunciation at the time). Our friend Levi, carrying the remaining rolls of cloth he had, walked in a caravan looking for gold, and headed for the interior, without realizing at the time that he, in turn, had discovered the "gold" without bothering to enter any mine. His main concern was to entice any merchant to buy what he had of cloth, in order to then ask his two brothers to send him a new load.

Levi arrived in Sacramento, where he met a group of miners. He asked them at once: "Do you want to buy fabric for tents?" The answer was decisive: “No.. Rather, we are interested in obtaining a durable fabric from which to make strong trousers that do not wear out in a few days of hard work and crawling in the dirt and among the rocks. Pants that our women can wash without ripping immediately. It doesn't cost us much money." As soon as Levi heard this, the thought flashed in his head: This cloth from Genoa would turn into trousers.

Here appeared the name of a person almost completely ignored by history, it is the name of the tailor Jacob W. Davis, who was the first tailor in history to sew "blue jeans". It was the first, but it didn't do him much good, unlike Levi Strauss's. From the time Davis began sewing the first trousers of this type to this day, his name has been neglected, leaving only the name "Levi Strauss".

vintage-cowboy-image1 Of course, at that time Levy knew he had done well... and he would score more, but he could never have imagined how far. All it took was that, at that time, he would go around the cities and villages of the "West", registering orders, hundreds and thousands, to make his pants in his small workshop which he had established in San Francisco. After a while, the Italian Genoa was unable to meet all of our friend's request for cloth, and with it the French city of Nimes, due to the high demand for his clothes.

Lévi-Strauss had only to register the demand and accumulate the fortune, completely forgetting that if he was the first mind in that enterprise, because he knew the strength and durability of the cloth, the double stitching of the hem and the pockets, was of great merit in the success. And this sewing was not the brainchild of Levi, or even the brainchild of his first tailor Davis, but rather the invention of a layman, a mere curious gold-seeker named Alkali Ike, who had the idea one day and confided it to Levi. 

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