Monday, 28 November 2022

What is the cause of fugue pregnancy & bitterness in the mouth of the pregnant woman?

What is the cause of fugue pregnancy & bitterness in the mouth of the pregnant woman?

Pregnant women often complain of difficulty concentrating and forgetfulness, not only because of lack of rest, sleep or stress, but it may also be the result of the effect of pregnancy on the brain and causing changes in it.

A new study conducted in the Netherlands revealed the existence of a relationship between the large hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy and the occurrence of changes in the brain of pregnant women, especially in areas responsible for meditation, thinking, and daydreaming.

The wandering of a pregnant woman in her thinking has always been common since ancient times, but it was difficult to study the cause and effect of this phenomenon, which is why a group of neuroscientists at the University of Leiden studied the neurological changes accompanying pregnancy.

40 pregnant women participated in this study, whose brains were scanned by magnetic resonance imaging before, during, and after childbirth for a full year, and their hormone levels were measured through a urine test that was conducted every two to four weeks, and they also answered questionnaires that examined sleep patterns, psychological stress, and the mother’s relationship with her child.

What was shown through the study is that hormonal changes during pregnancy affect the cells responsible for thinking in the brain, and may also affect the way brain cells communicate with each other.

These changes were observed mostly in areas of the brain that are activated when a person's focus shifts from the outside world to his inner thoughts, which may explain the wandering of pregnant women and the difficulty of concentrating.

This study showed a possible relationship between hormonal changes during pregnancy and changes in areas of the brain responsible for concentration, but it did not prove causation, which highlights the need for more studies with a larger number of participants to show the subtle changes that occur in the brain of a pregnant woman.

What is the cause of bitterness in the mouth of the pregnant woman?

hormonal changes
Pregnancy causes an increase in the levels of estrogen and progesterone in women, as these hormones help maintain the growth of the fetus, and despite the importance of these hormonal changes, they can negatively affect some parts of the body, including changes in the taste of the mouth, as it can For a woman to feel bitterness in the mouth, or a metallic taste, and this is one of the temporary symptoms of pregnancy that a woman can suffer from during the first three months.

The effects of hormones are not limited to taste only, but also affect appetite and preferred food, and differ from one woman to another as follows:

Increased desire to eat: Some women feel a strong desire to eat certain foods such as chocolate, pickles, or potato chips.
Not wanting to eat: Some women may feel unwilling to eat most foods, because they increase nausea, and this can happen by simply inhaling the smell of these foods and not tasting them.

Other causes of bitterness in the mouth for pregnant women
The cause of bitterness in the mouth of a pregnant woman is not limited to hormonal changes and nausea only, but there are some other reasons that lead to this bitter taste, most notably:

Taking vitamins or nutritional supplements: Some types of vitamins and nutritional supplements that pregnant women take can increase the feeling of bitterness in the mouth.
Taking some medicines: Also, some medicines that the doctor prescribes to women during pregnancy may be the cause of bitterness in the mouth of a pregnant woman, which helps in treating some health problems that women suffer from.
Infection with the common cold or mouth infections: Another cause of bitterness in the mouth for a pregnant woman is the occurrence of colds or the presence of infections in the mouth such as gingivitis, and dry mouth may also lead to a feeling of bitterness.
Acid reflux: Acid reflux may lead to a bad taste in the mouth, which is a symptom of pregnancy that worsens during the last trimester.
Having some health problems: such as diabetes, liver and kidney diseases, and cancer, and cancer treatments can also be the cause of bitterness in the mouth when pregnant.

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