Sunday, 12 November 2023

How to overcome the flu and what are the harmless treatments for colds

How to overcome the flu and what are the harmless treatments for colds

It is noteworthy that the majority of the world's population has been infected, at least once, with the Coronavirus. It is likely that in the coming decades, we will all be doomed to suffer from “Corona” more than once. While researchers disagree about the severity of reinfection cases and whether “Covid-19” can cause permanent changes in the immune system.


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Ineffective treatments for colds

There are too many cold remedies that are ineffective. Some of the most common ineffective treatments include:

Antibiotics. Antibiotics attack bacteria, but are not useful in fighting cold viruses. Avoid asking your doctor for antibiotics for a cold or using old antibiotics you have on hand. Your condition will not improve quickly, and inappropriate use of antibiotics causes serious and growing problems with antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

Over-the-counter cold and cough medicines for young children. Over-the-counter cold and cough medications can cause serious and potentially life-threatening side effects in children. Consult your child's doctor before giving him any medications.

Conflicting evidence about treatments for the common cold

Despite ongoing studies, the scientific verdict on some popular flu treatments such as vitamin C and echinacea is still being studied. Here are updates on some common alternative treatments:

Vitamin C It seems that taking vitamin C will not usually help the average person prevent the common cold.

But some studies have found that taking vitamin C before cold symptoms begin may shorten the duration of your symptoms. Vitamin C may benefit people who are more susceptible to colds due to frequent exposure, for example, children who attend child care during the winter.

Zinc. Several studies have indicated that zinc supplements may reduce the duration of a cold. But the results of research studies have been mixed regarding the relationship of zinc to colds.

Some studies show that taking zinc in the form of lozenges or syrup shortens the duration of a cold by one day, especially when taken within 24 to 48 hours of the first signs and symptoms of a cold.

Zinc also has potentially harmful side effects. Talk to your doctor before considering using zinc to prevent or shorten the duration of colds.

Give yourself to me

Although even a mild cold usually makes you feel pathetic. It's tempting to try the latest treatments, but the best thing you can do is take the best care of yourself. Rest, drink fluids, and keep the air around you moist. Remember to wash your hands frequently. 


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Saturday, 11 November 2023

Choosing women's sports shoes: Things to consider before purchasing shoes

 Choosing women's sports shoes: Things to consider before purchasing shoes

Wearing appropriate, comfortable walking shoes can help prevent foot problems (such as blisters and corns); Walking shoes should be relatively lightweight and provide good shock absorption (when the foot hits the ground). There are also many different types of walking shoes to suit all needs.


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Things to consider before buying shoes:

  Foot type:

Foot shape: Feet come in many shapes and sizes; Therefore, the shape and size of the feet should be taken into account when purchasing walking shoes to avoid painful problems later.

Foot arches: They help distribute body weight evenly on the feet when walking, and play an important role in how we adapt to different surfaces while walking.

shoe size:

Shoes that are too tight or wide can lead to the appearance of blisters, painful ulcers, or corns, in addition to exacerbating foot disorders (such as deformity or enlargement of the toe bones), which occur due to the small and narrow front space of the shoe, and the lack of sufficient space for the toes.

Walking type:

Such as walking at a moderate or fast pace, or in nature and rugged areas.

weather condition:

Dry weather: Needs shoes that allow the feet to breathe.

Rainy weather: Waterproof shoes are needed to keep the feet dry.

All Weather: You need waterproof shoes to protect feet from rain without overheating feet (non-ventilation) in dry conditions.


Feet size can change with age. It also increases in women during pregnancy.

The feet must be kept clean by washing and drying them, especially between the toes. To reduce the chance of bacteria or fungi accumulating.

Trim nails regularly.

Choose cotton socks; Because it allows the feet to breathe.

Change socks daily.

It is preferable to check the shoes before wearing them. To ensure that it is free of harmful things such as gravel, etc.

Sterilize shoes after use by placing them to dry in the open air.

Keep your feet warm and practice physical activity to improve blood circulation.

A doctor should be consulted if there is persistent and abnormal pain.


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Nutritional magic recipes that strengthen children's immunity and increase children's intelligence

Nutritional magic recipes that strengthen children's immunity and increase children's intelligence

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As children interact more with the start of the school year, parents need to know how to strengthen their children’s immunity. To keep diseases and infections away from them as much as possible.

  A nutritional recipe to strengthen immunity, Dr. Bahaa Naji, said that the fall season and the change in temperature coincide with the start of the school season and the mingling of students inside schools. This requires “strengthening their immunity” to avoid contracting diseases.

Immunity is proper nutrition that contains iron, such as dark vegetables such as spinach, eggplant, artichoke, broccoli, meat, liver, eggs, fish, and liqueur.

A healthy meal should include lemon and fruits that contain a large percentage of vitamin C. Because it is useful for body recovery and in absorbing and storing iron.

What about the school meal?

Regarding the school meal that the mother prepares for her son, the nutrition consultant advises that it include two sandwiches, one of which should preferably contain animal protein, such as a steak or grilled chicken slice with the addition of mushrooms or eggs.

As for the second sandwich, it may contain legumes such as beans or cheese with tomatoes, with the addition of vegetables such as lettuce or cucumber, and a bottle of fresh juice to provide the child with vitamin C.

It is also recommended to put an amount of nuts in the school meal box to improve the immune system.


If meat or chicken is not available, lunch can include eggs, for example, with vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, and artichokes, along with a layer of salad and a generous amount of lemon, or it can also include potatoes, which are very beneficial for the immune system, according to the nutrition consultant.

Autumn is characterized by fruits such as oranges, kiwi, and pomegranates, and Naji says that all of them strengthen the immune system.


The therapeutic nutrition consultant warns against negligence in eating nutritional foods rich in vitamins, and taking “ready-made vitamin” tablets or medications instead.

This is due to the fact that after taking vitamins in foods, the body absorbs what it needs from them and is able to get rid of the excess, but when taken in the form of medicine, whether by injection, tablets or spray, complete absorption of the vitamin occurs, and this may cause serious health problems as a result of poisoning from the vitamins. Excess.

A young child's resting brain waves can predict his active intelligence later in life, researchers have discovered.

The study showed a relationship between brain wave patterns and intelligence levels in the same data.

“These findings show that experience-induced changes in brain activity early in life have a profound impact on long-term cognitive development,” the researchers wrote.

However, how this activity develops in early life is not well understood.

Resting slow waves reduce unnecessary neural interactions, making the brain more efficient when dealing with mental tasks.

The results of the current study suggest that slow wave activity in the resting child's brain could be influenced in some way by home-rearing and the time of foster care placement.

The "significant association" they identified is "particularly striking," the authors say, as this is the first research of its kind to link slow brain waves in childhood to long-term effects in young adulthood, according to a study published in the journal Science Alert.

Previous studies have also found that slow brain waves are particularly sensitive to environmental and social factors such as poverty, and if a young child does not receive adequate emotional support, it can affect their neurocognitive development. 

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Friday, 10 November 2023

The benefits of drinking tea daily to prevent the risk of developing type 2 diabetes

 The benefits of drinking tea daily to prevent the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and habits not to do when drinking tea

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One study showed that drinking tea daily can cut the risk of developing type 2 diabetes in half.

The researchers found that those who enjoyed at least one cup of dark tea (a type of fermented tea from the Far East) daily were 47% less likely to develop the chronic condition than those who never drank it.

They said the tea helped people better control blood sugar thanks to its antioxidants and gut-boosting effects.

Drinking any type of tea, including green tea, daily reduces the risk of cancer by 28% compared to those who did not drink tea at all.

Professor Tunzi Wu, from the University of Adelaide in Australia, explained: “Our findings suggest protective effects of habitual tea drinking on blood sugar management. These benefits were more pronounced among daily dark tea drinkers.”

It causes blood sugar levels to rise significantly due to problems with how the body produces the hormone insulin, which breaks down glucose.

Previous research has shown that drinking tea can reduce the risk of diabetes and heart disease, but it has not been clear how this happens.

The latest study, presented at the European Association for the Study of Diabetes in Hamburg, looked at how the drink affects the risk of diabetes. The researchers examined data from 1,923 adults in China, and asked them how often they drank tea.

Participants were also asked what type of tea they drink: green, black, dark, or any other type of tea.

The researchers conducted blood and urine tests to determine the amount of sugar present in both and to measure insulin resistance.

Drinking more tea is linked to passing more sugar into the urine, which helps keep blood sugar under control and reduces the risk of diabetes.

Professor Zilin Sun, from Southeast University, said: “Drinking dark tea every day has the potential to reduce the risk of developing and developing type 2 diabetes through better blood sugar control. And when you look at all the different biomarkers associated with habitual drinking "For dark tea, it may be one simple step people can easily take to improve their diet and health."

Habits not to do while drinking tea

It was found that tea without sugar and without other sweeteners is more beneficial to health.

Studies have also indicated that tea without sugar and other sweeteners can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and even cancer.

  Tea is not attributed to drinks that have a significant impact on health, but rather to those that have a specific positive effect. Pointing out that tea contains biologically active substances such as catechins, antioxidants, volatile oils, amino acids, vitamins B1, B2, P, PP, iron, magnesium, calcium and caffeine.

   “Drinking 3 cups of green tea a day leads to a reduced risk of prostate cancer, endometrial cancer, cardiovascular disease, as well as severe cases of stroke and myocardial infarction.”

Black tea also has a positive effect on health, as it reduces the risk of poor cognitive function and osteoporosis in the elderly. As for herbal tea, it should be drunk with caution because some of it has a negative effect on the body

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Learn about the best types of food for cardiovascular patients

 Learn about the best types of food for cardiovascular patients

The number of people suffering from cardiovascular diseases in the world is steadily increasing. One of the causative factors is unbalanced nutrition. What nutrients are beneficial for the heart and blood vessels?

Studies indicate that balanced nutrition means following a diet in which the proportion of some foods is reduced, while the body obtains all the nutrients, vitamins, mineral elements, and dietary fiber it needs.

According to these studies, vegetable oils can be consumed daily: olive, corn, sunflower, and soybean oil to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. These oils contain a large amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are essential for maintaining the health of the walls of blood vessels and the heart.

  “In addition, it is recommended to eat a lot of fish because it is an important source of fish oil, and it is also rich in unsaturated fatty acids and protein, the most beneficial of which are fatty fish - herring, mackerel and salmon, so fish should be eaten 1-2 per week, to prevent the risks associated with the development of sclerosis.” Arteries.

It is also necessary for the body to obtain the necessary amount of animal protein - meat and poultry, and vegetable protein - lentils, chickpeas and peas. The body must also obtain a sufficient amount of dietary fiber, which acts like a brush in the intestines and removes excess fat from the body, in addition to being necessary for the intestinal microbiome. Dietary fiber is found in whole grain bread, vegetables, fruits and grains.

   In addition to dietary fiber, fruits and vegetables contain vitamins and mineral elements, so it is recommended to eat 5 servings of them per day, or about 500 grams.

Wednesday, 8 November 2023

What are the harms of fast eating? Read what happens to your body!

 Human beings have many different ways of eating, and there are those who spend all their time eating their food, whether alone or with other people. While others prefer to eat their food very quickly.

Many people rush to eat, due to lack of time, or to catch up on a work or study appointment, without realizing the danger of this habit and the extent of its impact on their bodies over time.

It seems that eating food alone is not enough to provide energy and maintain health, but also the method of eating it, which may cause serious repercussions on health if not in the appropriate manner.

Harmful effects of fast eating

Harmful effects of fast eating may include:

1. Indigestion

Eating quickly may cause indigestion, causing the person to feel discomfort and a lot of heaviness in the stomach, which may gradually go away when the body can handle the amount of food and digest it.

If you suffer from constant indigestion, it is recommended to see a doctor to look for other causes, such as: gallstones, or stomach ulcers.

2. Weight gain

When a person starts eating, it takes up to 20 minutes for the brain to start sending signals of satiety, so eating quickly is linked to weight gain. When food is eaten quickly, the person gets large amounts of calories before the brain starts sending signals of satiety.

On the other hand, people who eat slowly have a greater chance of feeling full before eating calories in excess of their daily needs.

3. Increased likelihood of developing health problems

One of the harmful effects of fast eating is the increased risk of long-term health problems, such as: high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, and others.

People who eat quickly tend to choose unhealthy foods, such as: foods rich in sugars and fats, and stay away from healthy foods, such as: fruits and vegetables.

4. Loss of pleasure in eating

It may take many hours to cook food and take care of the details of its preparation, and eating food too quickly makes a person lose the pleasure of tasting food well and evaluating the quality of the food and the effort expended in cooking it.

5. Choking

Eating quickly may increase the risk of choking on food due to food entering the airway, which impedes breathing, so it is recommended to eat slowly and chew food well.

Monday, 6 November 2023

What happens when you stop eating sugar for a few days, and do symptoms appear on the body??

 What happens when you stop eating sugar for a few days, and do symptoms appear on the body??

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Not eating sugar for a month may lead to changes in the human body, but these changes may be positive in general. When reducing sugar intake, the following can happen: Improved energy level and concentration: Eating large amounts of sugar can lead to an increase in blood sugar levels. In the blood excessively, which leads to reduced energy levels and concentration

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  Stopping eating sugar for a whole month depends on the amount of sugar consumed on a daily basis before stopping. If a small amount of sugar is consumed, the person may not feel a significant difference after stopping eating sugar. However, if he is accustomed to eating large amounts of sugar daily, stopping Eating it may actually contribute to weight loss, depending on the difference in calories.

What are the symptoms of sugar withdrawal from the body?

 Stopping eating sugar for a month, depending on the amount consumed on a daily basis, may lead to the appearance of some symptoms on the person in the first days of stopping eating sugar. These symptoms are known as withdrawal symptoms, including the following:


Constant lethargy and fatigue.


Difficulty concentrating.


Nervous irritation.

Desire to eat foods that contain sugar.

It is noteworthy that it is not recommended to lose weight quickly within one month, as it is not recommended to lose more than 6-8 kilograms in one month, and weight loss depends on the difference between the daily need for calories and the amount of calories gained daily, so it is always recommended to follow a diet. Healthy with appropriate physical activities.

What may happen to the body when you stop eating sugar, which may include the following:

Improvement in skin elasticity and skin integrity.

Regular blood sugar levels.

Improvement in liver and kidney functions.

Reducing daily calories, which may lead to losing excess weight.

It is worth noting that abandoning sugar intake for only 10 days may not be enough to achieve some of the positive health changes mentioned above, so I advise you to commit to a healthy and balanced lifestyle in the long term to achieve greater health benefits.

After a month of stopping

Your desire to eat sweets and sugar disappears completely after a month of abstaining from sugar, and you may experience an unexpected desire to eat vegetables and foods rich in protein.

Steps to help quit eating sugar

 Assess the actual need for sugar in your diet and check that you are not eating excessive amounts of sugar.

Identify and avoid foods that contain added sugar as much as possible, such as sweetened beverages, sweets, cakes, and processed cereals.

Be prepared to challenge temptations, and think about healthy alternatives when you feel a craving for sugar.

Maintain a healthy diet that includes natural and balanced foods, and use healthy alternatives to sugar such as natural honey and dates.

Commitment to eating appropriate calories and engaging in regular physical activity

It is also recommended to limit the intake of white sugar in general and foods or drinks that contain a high percentage of sugar, as excessive consumption of white sugar has been linked to a number of health problems in the long term.

Wednesday, 1 November 2023

Causes of rapid heartbeat without exertion

Causes of rapid heartbeat without exertion

Causes of rapid heartbeat without effort.. Many may feel a rapid heartbeat without effort, and it is a common condition that causes anxiety for many people, and it is important to understand the causes of this abnormal condition in order to determine the appropriate treatment,

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Causes of rapid heartbeat without exertion

1 - Anxiety and stress: Anxiety and tension may be among the most important reasons that lead to a rapid heartbeat without effort. When the body is in a state of alert and tension, it increases the secretion of the hormones adrenaline and cortisol, which leads to an increased heart rate.

   2 - Exposure to stimulants: Some stimulants, such as caffeine, tobacco, and alcohol, can temporarily increase the heart rate, and consuming large amounts of caffeine, such as drinking coffee or tea in excess, may cause the heart rate to increase without effort.

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3- Inflammation of the heart: Inflammation of the heart may be another reason for the appearance of a rapid heartbeat without effort. Cases of carditis occur as a result of exposure to a viral or bacterial infection that can affect the heart muscle and cause a disturbance in its rhythm.

4 - Muscle jealousy: Sometimes the heart may be disturbed as a result of spasm of the muscles surrounding it. This may occur due to injury to the muscles or exposure to excessive tension. This spasm can lead to an increase in the heartbeat without effort.

5 - An imbalance in the thyroid gland: The presence of an imbalance in the functions of the thyroid gland is considered one of the possible causes of rapid heartbeat without effort. When the thyroid gland secretes an excessive amount of the hormones thyroxine and triiodothyronine, it increases heart activity and rapid heartbeat.

6 - Respiratory system disorders: Some people suffer from respiratory system disorders such as asthma or bronchial obstruction, and these disorders may lead to difficulty breathing and an elevated heart rate.

7 - If you feel a rapid heartbeat without effort, it is important to see a doctor to diagnose the condition and determine the appropriate treatment. The doctor may direct you to perform other tests such as an ECG and laboratory blood analysis to determine the causes of the rapid heartbeat without effort and develop an appropriate treatment plan.

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