Wednesday, 8 November 2023

What are the harms of fast eating? Read what happens to your body!

 Human beings have many different ways of eating, and there are those who spend all their time eating their food, whether alone or with other people. While others prefer to eat their food very quickly.

Many people rush to eat, due to lack of time, or to catch up on a work or study appointment, without realizing the danger of this habit and the extent of its impact on their bodies over time.

It seems that eating food alone is not enough to provide energy and maintain health, but also the method of eating it, which may cause serious repercussions on health if not in the appropriate manner.

Harmful effects of fast eating

Harmful effects of fast eating may include:

1. Indigestion

Eating quickly may cause indigestion, causing the person to feel discomfort and a lot of heaviness in the stomach, which may gradually go away when the body can handle the amount of food and digest it.

If you suffer from constant indigestion, it is recommended to see a doctor to look for other causes, such as: gallstones, or stomach ulcers.

2. Weight gain

When a person starts eating, it takes up to 20 minutes for the brain to start sending signals of satiety, so eating quickly is linked to weight gain. When food is eaten quickly, the person gets large amounts of calories before the brain starts sending signals of satiety.

On the other hand, people who eat slowly have a greater chance of feeling full before eating calories in excess of their daily needs.

3. Increased likelihood of developing health problems

One of the harmful effects of fast eating is the increased risk of long-term health problems, such as: high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, and others.

People who eat quickly tend to choose unhealthy foods, such as: foods rich in sugars and fats, and stay away from healthy foods, such as: fruits and vegetables.

4. Loss of pleasure in eating

It may take many hours to cook food and take care of the details of its preparation, and eating food too quickly makes a person lose the pleasure of tasting food well and evaluating the quality of the food and the effort expended in cooking it.

5. Choking

Eating quickly may increase the risk of choking on food due to food entering the airway, which impedes breathing, so it is recommended to eat slowly and chew food well.

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