Wednesday, 1 November 2023

Causes of rapid heartbeat without exertion

Causes of rapid heartbeat without exertion

Causes of rapid heartbeat without effort.. Many may feel a rapid heartbeat without effort, and it is a common condition that causes anxiety for many people, and it is important to understand the causes of this abnormal condition in order to determine the appropriate treatment,

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Causes of rapid heartbeat without exertion

1 - Anxiety and stress: Anxiety and tension may be among the most important reasons that lead to a rapid heartbeat without effort. When the body is in a state of alert and tension, it increases the secretion of the hormones adrenaline and cortisol, which leads to an increased heart rate.

   2 - Exposure to stimulants: Some stimulants, such as caffeine, tobacco, and alcohol, can temporarily increase the heart rate, and consuming large amounts of caffeine, such as drinking coffee or tea in excess, may cause the heart rate to increase without effort.

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3- Inflammation of the heart: Inflammation of the heart may be another reason for the appearance of a rapid heartbeat without effort. Cases of carditis occur as a result of exposure to a viral or bacterial infection that can affect the heart muscle and cause a disturbance in its rhythm.

4 - Muscle jealousy: Sometimes the heart may be disturbed as a result of spasm of the muscles surrounding it. This may occur due to injury to the muscles or exposure to excessive tension. This spasm can lead to an increase in the heartbeat without effort.

5 - An imbalance in the thyroid gland: The presence of an imbalance in the functions of the thyroid gland is considered one of the possible causes of rapid heartbeat without effort. When the thyroid gland secretes an excessive amount of the hormones thyroxine and triiodothyronine, it increases heart activity and rapid heartbeat.

6 - Respiratory system disorders: Some people suffer from respiratory system disorders such as asthma or bronchial obstruction, and these disorders may lead to difficulty breathing and an elevated heart rate.

7 - If you feel a rapid heartbeat without effort, it is important to see a doctor to diagnose the condition and determine the appropriate treatment. The doctor may direct you to perform other tests such as an ECG and laboratory blood analysis to determine the causes of the rapid heartbeat without effort and develop an appropriate treatment plan.

Country Life, Chelated Magnesium, 250 mg, 240 Tablets 

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