Saturday, 11 November 2023

Nutritional magic recipes that strengthen children's immunity and increase children's intelligence

Nutritional magic recipes that strengthen children's immunity and increase children's intelligence

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As children interact more with the start of the school year, parents need to know how to strengthen their children’s immunity. To keep diseases and infections away from them as much as possible.

  A nutritional recipe to strengthen immunity, Dr. Bahaa Naji, said that the fall season and the change in temperature coincide with the start of the school season and the mingling of students inside schools. This requires “strengthening their immunity” to avoid contracting diseases.

Immunity is proper nutrition that contains iron, such as dark vegetables such as spinach, eggplant, artichoke, broccoli, meat, liver, eggs, fish, and liqueur.

A healthy meal should include lemon and fruits that contain a large percentage of vitamin C. Because it is useful for body recovery and in absorbing and storing iron.

What about the school meal?

Regarding the school meal that the mother prepares for her son, the nutrition consultant advises that it include two sandwiches, one of which should preferably contain animal protein, such as a steak or grilled chicken slice with the addition of mushrooms or eggs.

As for the second sandwich, it may contain legumes such as beans or cheese with tomatoes, with the addition of vegetables such as lettuce or cucumber, and a bottle of fresh juice to provide the child with vitamin C.

It is also recommended to put an amount of nuts in the school meal box to improve the immune system.


If meat or chicken is not available, lunch can include eggs, for example, with vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, and artichokes, along with a layer of salad and a generous amount of lemon, or it can also include potatoes, which are very beneficial for the immune system, according to the nutrition consultant.

Autumn is characterized by fruits such as oranges, kiwi, and pomegranates, and Naji says that all of them strengthen the immune system.


The therapeutic nutrition consultant warns against negligence in eating nutritional foods rich in vitamins, and taking “ready-made vitamin” tablets or medications instead.

This is due to the fact that after taking vitamins in foods, the body absorbs what it needs from them and is able to get rid of the excess, but when taken in the form of medicine, whether by injection, tablets or spray, complete absorption of the vitamin occurs, and this may cause serious health problems as a result of poisoning from the vitamins. Excess.

A young child's resting brain waves can predict his active intelligence later in life, researchers have discovered.

The study showed a relationship between brain wave patterns and intelligence levels in the same data.

“These findings show that experience-induced changes in brain activity early in life have a profound impact on long-term cognitive development,” the researchers wrote.

However, how this activity develops in early life is not well understood.

Resting slow waves reduce unnecessary neural interactions, making the brain more efficient when dealing with mental tasks.

The results of the current study suggest that slow wave activity in the resting child's brain could be influenced in some way by home-rearing and the time of foster care placement.

The "significant association" they identified is "particularly striking," the authors say, as this is the first research of its kind to link slow brain waves in childhood to long-term effects in young adulthood, according to a study published in the journal Science Alert.

Previous studies have also found that slow brain waves are particularly sensitive to environmental and social factors such as poverty, and if a young child does not receive adequate emotional support, it can affect their neurocognitive development. 

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