Monday, 29 June 2020

100 eggs a day ... why is it difficult to kill a fruit fly?

 eggs a day # why is it difficult to kill a fruit fly 

During the summer, fruit flies are widely propelled by the smell of fruit that is close to ripening, and also because of the fungi and microorganisms that produce mold.

This fly has the ability to smell food from a distance of more than a kilometer thanks to the "antennas" on its head that inhale the chemicals released by the fruit, and once you smell this fly to this smell, it becomes impossible to keep it away from your home.
What helps the fruit flies to penetrate the house is its small size, which corresponds to the size of the Sesame seed, so any small gap in the house forms an entrance to the flies.

A female Drosophila can lay 100 eggs a day, and these eggs will hatch into larvae in less than 24 hours.
According to the American "Business Insider" website, experts suggested erecting a trap for these flies, but it will not stop coming to your house, unless you clean it constantly.
Contrary to popular belief, fruit flies do not smell the smell of unpleasant fruit, but the source of that smell, especially fungi, expands.

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