Wednesday, 17 June 2020

Global Health is considering updating the Corona treatment protocol and the use of the drug "dexamethasone"

Global Health is considering updating the Corona treatment protocol and the use of the drug "dexamethasone"


A Reuters report revealed that the World Health Organization is moving to update its guidelines on treating people infected with coronavirus to reflect the results of a clinical trial that showed that a common cheap steroid can help save patients with serious diseases.

According to the report, the results of the experiments announced yesterday, Tuesday, that dexamethasone used since the 1960s to reduce inflammation in diseases such as arthritis, reduced death rates by about a third of the most infected people with coronavirus, who were hospitalized.

WHO clinical guidelines on treatment of patients with the new coronavirus are aimed at doctors and other medical professionals and seek to use the latest data to inform doctors about how best to deal with all stages of the disease, from examination to exit.

Although the results of the dexamethasone study are preliminary, the researchers behind the project said it indicated that the drug should immediately become standard care in severely affected patients.

For patients using ventilators, treatment has been shown to reduce mortality by about a third, and for patients who only need oxygen, the death rate has been reduced by about a fifth, according to preliminary results that have been shared with the World Health Organization.

The benefit was only observed in patients with serious disease with Covid 19 and was not observed in patients with milder disease.

The positive news comes with the acceleration of coronavirus cases in some places including the United States, and with Beijing canceling dozens of flights to help contain a new outbreak in the Chinese capital.

"This is the first treatment that has been shown to reduce mortality in patients with the Corona virus who need oxygen or respiratory support and the agency said it looked forward to analyzing the full data of the study in the days," WHO Director-General Tidros Adhanom Gebresos said in a statement on Tuesday. Coming.

The agency added that the WHO clinical guidelines will be updated to reflect how and when the drug should be used with Corona patients

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