Monday, 29 June 2020

Hollywood chooses "Erica" ​​the heroine of a movie costing $ 70 million

Hollywood chooses "Erica" ​​the heroine of a movie costing $ 70 million

The adventurous sci-fi film crew has devised a brilliant way to film their film in light of continuing concerns about the spread of the Corona virus.

The Hollywood Reporter revealed that the crew chose a robot named "Erika", as the hero of a science fiction movie, and this is the first time in the history of world cinema that the starring role is played by an artificial intelligence actor / robot.

"It was created from scratch to play the role," says Sam Khouzi, superintendent of visual effects in the $ 70 million science fiction movie "b", in which "Erica", the main character of the film, will participate.

This film is backed by Bondit Capital Media and Ten Ten Global Media in New York, and according to the Hollywood Reporter: "B follows a scientist who has discovered a bug in a program he created to replicate human DNA and helps smart women designed by (Erika) escape.

The AI ​​was developed by the Japanese scientists, Hiroshi Ishiguro and Kohei Ogawa, who created Erika as part of robotics studies, and also enabled it from the AI ​​programs that taught her how to act.

Of course, teaching Android emoji on the screen was not error free. "In other acting styles, actors share their life experiences in the role, but Erika has no life experiences," says Jose.

To avoid the emergence of a robotic artificial actress, the team had to "simulate its movements and emotions through individual sessions", which required "controlling the speed of its movements, speaking through its feelings and training it on character development and body language."

The team has yet to reach a co-star or human director of "b", parts of which were filmed in Japan in 2019, according to THR reports. The rest of the scenes are scheduled to be shot in Europe in June 2021.

This may be the “near” future of acting, as the film and television industries have been affected by the Corona virus, with production delays and social divergences that hamper many imaging processes .. Robots, unlike humans, cannot be infected with the Corona virus.

Source: New York Post

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