Monday, 15 June 2020

A giant 14-foot squid appears ashore in South Africa

A giant 14-foot squid appears ashore in South Africa
الكائن البحرى على الشاطىء
A rare giant squid about 14 feet long appeared on the shore of the Gulf of Britannia in South Africa, where shots were taken from the 440-foot deep sea monster, which has a beak-like mouth where its claws meet, and because of its depth in the depths it has not been photographed Absolutely before 2002, and it was filmed only for the first time in 2006.
الكائن البحرى العملاق
According to the British newspaper "Daily Mail", the giant squid can grow up to 43 feet long, and it is believed that its terrifying size has inspired faith in the existence of kraken, a legendary marine monster.

The shots taken by beach visitors show the deep sea monster intact with a huge cone-shaped body, massive eyes and eight sprawling claws.

The sea giant uses its mouthful beak-like mouth to devour its diet of deep sea fish and smaller squid that pulls it with its powerful claws.
حبار عملاق يبلغ طوله 14 قدما يظهر على الشاطئ في جنوب إفريقيا (صور)

It is very uncommon to see giant squid as more than 3,000 feet live below the ocean surface, and earlier this year the entire genome of giant creatures was first sequenced and their high intelligence was revealed.

The mysterious squid, also known as Architeuthius dux, has large eyes, and marine biologists at Iziko Museums in South Africa are soon alerted to the giant squid that is on the beach and are now keeping a 440 lb sample ready for future study.

The sample is already in the museum where it has been frozen, and taken primary measurements and tissue samples for DNA analysis, and the next step will be to bring in an expert squid scientist to chop the creature and document it scientifically, and this will include studying its genetic makeup and looking for a deeper insight into what caused this condition to appear on the beach exactly.

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