what if all you had to do was take a pill and you could look exactly how you
wanted it might sound ridiculous but stats show
that americans alone spend about 2.1
billion dollars a year on weight loss pills
capsules and soft gels unfortunately the
truth is that anyone promising quick and easy fat loss
in a bottle is most likely not telling the whole
truth for true effective and sustainable
fat loss you will have to adopt more of a fit lifestyle
by exercising and eating a healthy diet
there's no way around that but there are
some natural supplements out there
that can help reduce your hunger and
appetite increase your metabolism
and help you burn more fat when they're
added to a solid diet and workout plan
and the thing is everyone needs to
recognize that there are lots of
supplements out there that people use that aren't very natural or can
potentially even be harmful
for example a common supplement that's
thought to be relatively harmless is known as
cla or conjugated linoleic aci
even though it's been used for years cla
Green Barley Plus is the highest rated natural product containing green barley extract. Its slimming and cleansing properties intensify the presence of a legendary ingredient - garcinia cambogia. The combination of two active substances has created an extremely powerful
is actually a trans fat
and trans fats are not good for people
to consume especially for long lengths of time
many people take cla on a daily basis
not realizing that it can contribute to long-term side effects
like fatty liver insulin resistance and increased inflammation
so today i want to go over five very
natural and safe fat burning supplements that you can take
that are actually proven to work and the
first one is glucomannan
by far the best way to burn more fat is
to decrease the number of calories that
you eat on a daily basis
however when you force yourself to eat
less and less it becomes harder and
harder over time to stick to
so any natural supplement that can help decrease our appetites
without us having to forcefully restrict makes fat loss feel
a whole lot easier and more natural and
that's exactly what glucomannan does
it's a type of fiber that comes from a unique looking yam
known as the elephant foot yan fiber
especially soluble fiber has been shown
in multiple studies to fill the stomach
and decrease appetite and hunger
however studies show that glucomannan
may be more effective for weight loss than
other soluble fiber sources in a randomized control trial
groups taking glucomannan experience
significantly more weight loss than
groups taking a placebo
this may be due to the fact that
glucomannan is one of the most
viscous fiber sources we know of which
means that it takes up a lot of volume
due to its exceptional ability to absorb water
it can literally absorb 50 times its
weight in water when glucomannan mixes
with water and enters the stomach it
becomes gel-like and digests slowly
this occupies space in your stomach
helping promote the feeling of fullness it only takes a small amount to fill you
up and it's already naturally very low in calories all you need is two to four grams a day
and ideally you would want to have about one gram
30 to 60 minutes before each of your meals three to four times a day
you can also add glucomannan while
eating your meal or simply sprinkle it
on top of your food as well
but this has not been proven to lead to
weight loss so try having it before your meals
just remember to also drink one to two glasses of water every time that you
take a gram of glucomannan next is green tea extract this is
basically a concentrated form of green tea
that usually comes in a capsule the
biggest benefit for weight loss purposes
comes from a compound found within the
green tea known as egcg or epigallocatechin galli
this special antioxidant can help boost your metabolism
in fact there are some studies that show
that it can boost your metabolism by as much as eight percent
however most studies show that this
number is usually found to be lower at
around a three to four percent increase
which is still a very nice boost to your metabolic rate
another benefit is that it can assist
with fat mobilization
this is one of the very first steps of
fat burning where your body breaks down
and moves it into your bloodstream to
deliver the fatty acids to the cells
where they need to be