Saturday, 28 November 2020

 Diet on the chili diet

A fixed breakfast for a week consisting of:


A hot drink + a biscuit + a piece of fat-free cheese + 100 grams of fruit, and the lunch and dinner meals differ from day to day as follows:


Lunch: 300 gm of fish + a vegetable plate containing hot pepper

Dinner: grilled steak with hot pepper.


Lunch: 3 boiled eggs + mixed vegetables ”added to it 3 teaspoons of vinegar, a tablespoon of water, a spoonful of mustard, a little salt and a little chili pepper

Dinner: 350 gm of grilled liver + salad of vegetables and hot pepper


Lunch: 300 gm chicken salad with hot pepper + a quarter loaf of white bread

Dinner: 150 gm of luncheon with green salad with hot pepper.


Lunch: 150 grams of luncheon with green salad, with vinegar, lemon and hot pepper

Dinner: 400 grams of fish with steamed vegetables, topped with chili powder.


unch: 300 gm of fish + 300 gm of green salad plus lemon and hot pepper + tomato juice

Dinner: 300 grams of minced meat + green salad with vinegar and hot pepper.


Lunch: Three-egg omelette served with vegetables and chilli powder

Dinner: 300 grams of scallops, with lemon juice and hot pepper.


Canned soups from chili peppers are often high in sodium. And having too much sodium can cause high blood pressure, according to the American Heart Association.

Avoid focusing on just one type of food when dieting to avoid creating a void in the diet of essential nutrients. Although chili soup often contains vegetables and fruits, it does not contain sufficient amounts of grains or enough milk and cheese products to meet your nutritional needs.

Chili diet stimulates fat burning and lose 5 kilos in a week

Chili peppers reduce cravings for salty, sweet and greasy food. Eating a little red pepper for dinner reduces hunger and helps curb the appetite. The presence of capsaicum, the chemical substance that makes pepper hot, and the effect of this substance on energy, body temperature and appetite has been studied. It has been found that 1 g of pepper reduces cravings for salty foods, sweet and fatty foods and increases energy. It was noted that this effect was greater among 12 participants who did not eat chili peppers, compared with 13 who reported being regular users of hot pepper.

First we will talk to you about how chili peppers will benefit you in reducing your weight, and then we will discuss the diet for weight loss

Study results were reliable but were on a very small scale, with only 25 participants. In particular, the differences between users are not uniform and need to be emphasized in larger studies. Although the results were associated with potential nutritional benefits in people trying to lose weight, all of the participants were healthy young adults of normal weight.

The study was conducted by researchers from Purdue University in the United States. Funding was provided by the National Institutes of Health through the National Research Service Award, the McCormick Institute of Science. The study is published in the Clinical Review of Physiology and Behavior.

This was a small, randomized study as researchers investigated the effect of red pepper consumption on skin, body temperature, and energy consumption levels after eating a delicious meal.

Previous studies indicated that red pepper (especially in the presence of the chemical capsaicum that makes pepper hot) suppresses hunger and causes the body to generate heat.

Chili and Diet Soup 


Chili and diet soup includes adding red pepper to soups, as well as chili pepper adding the spicy and distinctive flavor to soup. Although a diet consisting of chili peppers is neither attractive nor healthy, it has the potential to help you meet your weight loss goals. When trying to lose weight, focusing not only on losing 1-2 pounds per week, but also learning to develop healthy eating habits by using chili soup as part of your diet plan can help you meet all of your goals.

Benefits of chili diet


When you eat vegetable soups and chili peppers as part of a weight loss plan, it is easy to meet your veggie needs for the day.

A person who eats 1,800 calories a day needs 2.5 cups of vegetables every day.

Chili soup is a low-calorie food, meaning it can fill you up while offering fewer calories, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention eating fewer calories can help you meet your weight loss goals.

According to a BBC News article before, eating chili soup can help you stay full for longer, which helps avoid snacking or eating unnecessary calories before dinner. A mixture of water and nutrients that is used to make soup provides the body with the water and nutrients it needs.

Sweet pepper is part of the plant family that includes spices such as cayenne, paprika and red pepper which is often used in chili recipes, and may help you lose weight.

A 2008 study published in the "American Journal of Clinical Nutrition", led by Surin, found that the benefits of weight loss are due to the presence of capsaicum, derived from the paprika plant. It was found that participants who took weight loss supplements lost more weight than those who did not. Add this spice to paprika, rich in chili for flavor and as a way to aid weight loss.

According to the Mayo Clinic, the chili recipe with beef and chili pepper has 254 calories and contains 20 grams of protein. Adding beans increases 10 grams of fiber

Friday, 27 November 2020

fat burner that further enhances the feeling of being full and improves the appearance of skin, hair and nails

what if all you had to do was take a pill and you could look exactly how you

wanted it might sound ridiculous but stats show

that americans alone spend about 2.1

billion dollars a year on weight loss pills

capsules and soft gels unfortunately the

truth is that anyone promising quick and easy fat loss

in a bottle is most likely not telling the whole

truth for true effective and sustainable

fat loss you will have to adopt more of a fit lifestyle

by exercising and eating a healthy diet

there's no way around that but there are

some natural supplements out there

that can help reduce your hunger and

appetite increase your metabolism

and help you burn more fat when they're

added to a solid diet and workout plan

and the thing is everyone needs to

recognize that there are lots of

supplements out there that people use that aren't very natural or can

potentially even be harmful

for example a common supplement that's

thought to be relatively harmless is known as

cla or conjugated linoleic aci

even though it's been used for years cla


Green Barley Plus is the highest rated natural product containing green barley extract. Its slimming and cleansing properties intensify the presence of a legendary ingredient - garcinia cambogia. The combination of two active substances has created an extremely powerful 


is actually a trans fat

and trans fats are not good for people

to consume especially for long lengths of time

many people take cla on a daily basis

not realizing that it can contribute to long-term side effects

like fatty liver insulin resistance and increased inflammation

so today i want to go over five very

natural and safe fat burning supplements that you can take

that are actually proven to work and the

first one is glucomannan

by far the best way to burn more fat is

to decrease the number of calories that

you eat on a daily basis

however when you force yourself to eat

less and less it becomes harder and

harder over time to stick to

so any natural supplement that can help decrease our appetites

without us having to forcefully restrict makes fat loss feel

a whole lot easier and more natural and

that's exactly what glucomannan does

it's a type of fiber that comes from a unique looking yam

known as the elephant foot yan fiber

especially soluble fiber has been shown

in multiple studies to fill the stomach

and decrease appetite and hunger

however studies show that glucomannan

may be more effective for weight loss than

other soluble fiber sources in a randomized control trial

groups taking glucomannan experience

significantly more weight loss than

groups taking a placebo

this may be due to the fact that

glucomannan is one of the most

viscous fiber sources we know of which

means that it takes up a lot of volume

due to its exceptional ability to absorb water

it can literally absorb 50 times its

weight in water when glucomannan mixes

with water and enters the stomach it

becomes gel-like and digests slowly

this occupies space in your stomach

helping promote the feeling of fullness it only takes a small amount to fill you

up and it's already naturally very low in calories all you need is two to four grams a day

and ideally you would want to have about one gram

30 to 60 minutes before each of your meals three to four times a day

you can also add glucomannan while

eating your meal or simply sprinkle it

on top of your food as well

but this has not been proven to lead to

weight loss so try having it before your meals

just remember to also drink one to two glasses of water every time that you

take a gram of glucomannan next is green tea extract this is

basically a concentrated form of green tea

that usually comes in a capsule the

biggest benefit for weight loss purposes

comes from a compound found within the

green tea known as egcg or epigallocatechin galli

this special antioxidant can help boost your metabolism

in fact there are some studies that show

that it can boost your metabolism by as much as eight percent

however most studies show that this

number is usually found to be lower at

around a three to four percent increase

which is still a very nice boost to your metabolic rate

another benefit is that it can assist

with fat mobilization

this is one of the very first steps of

fat burning where your body breaks down


and moves it into your bloodstream to

deliver the fatty acids to the cells

where they need to be 

Wednesday, 25 November 2020

muscle regeneration, replenish lost energy

muscle regeneration, replenish lost energy

Personal trainers and fitness professionals always spend countless hours reading articles and research on new methods and techniques in sports training programs, to develop and multiply muscle capabilities.

Despite this, a limited class of trainers and fitness professionals are actually aware of how muscles adapt and gradually grow in response to the increased load resulting from exercise.

In fact, skeletal muscle is the fastest-adapting tissue in the human body, and the issue of muscle hypertrophy is a fertile topic that is widely covered in research.

Satellite Cells


When the muscles are exposed to severe exertion through an exercise, such as what you are exposed to during resistance training, a direct shock occurs to the muscle fibers, which indicates an injury or laceration - according to scientific research.

This disruption of muscle cell organelles leads to the activation of a type of cell known as satellite cells that are centered on the outer end of the muscle fibers between the basement membrane and the sarcolemma of the muscle fibers, and this works. The type of cell compensates for the injury by breeding new muscle cells.

It is a biological process to replace the damaged muscle fibers, and it begins with the satellite cells where they fuse together and then fuse with the muscle fibers several times, which leads to an increase in muscle mass and its enlargement.

Satellite cells have one nucleus and have the ability to multiply by division.

And when they multiply, some of them remain as organelles on the muscle fibers, while most of them differentiate and fuse with the muscle fibers to form a new muscle protein that works to repair the damaged fibers.

Consequently, myofibrils will increase in thickness and number.

After fusion with muscle fibers, some satellite cells are used as a source of new nuclei to complete the growth of muscle fibers.

With these new nuclei, muscle fibers will be able to synthesize more proteins and form contractile muscle filaments known as actin and myosin filaments, in skeletal muscle cells.

It is interesting to note that there are large numbers of satellite cells that are associated with slow-twitch muscle fibers compared to those that revolve faster in the same muscle mass, as they regularly participate in cell maintenance after daily activities.

Growth factors


A group of hormones - or hormone-like compounds - that stimulate satellite cells to produce increases in muscle mass.

And it has been proven that these factors affect muscle growth by regulating satellite cell activity.

Hepatic growth factors (HGF) are the key to satellite cell regulation, as it has been shown to be the active agent in damaged muscle sites and may be responsible for the fusion of satellite cells at these muscle sites.

Fibroblast growth factor (FGF), another important type of growth factor that contributes to repairing muscle mass affected by successive exercises, and its role may be in regenerating blood vessels during muscular regeneration.

Research has focused on the role of an insulin-like hormone called “Growth Factor 1 and 2” (IGFs) in muscle growth, as it plays a fundamental role in regulating muscle mass growth, promoting changes in DNA to build proteins, and supporting repair and maintenance of muscle cells. .

Insulin also stimulates muscle growth by stimulating the building of proteins and facilitating glucose entry into the cell.

As satellite cells use it as fuel, the cell growth activities are thus activated.

Glucose is also included in the muscle’s energy needs.

Growth hormones also play an important role in muscle growth.

Resistance training stimulates the secretion of growth hormones from the anterior pituitary gland, and levels of secretion of these hormones depend on the extent of the muscular effort involved in the exercise.

Growth hormones also help spark the fuse of burning fat to use the resulting energy in the muscle growth process.

It also stimulates skeletal muscles to absorb amino acids.


Finally, the male hormone testosterone affects the enlargement of muscle mass, and stimulates the growth hormone response in the pituitary gland whose role we mentioned previously.

In addition, it increases the efficiency of neurotransmitters at the site of the fibers, which help stimulate tissue growth.

As a steroid hormone, testosterone interacts with the nuclear receptors on DNA, causing protein synthesis.

And it may have some regulating effects of satellite cells


Lab Regeneration

is a food supplement dedicated to professional athletes who want to support the process of post-workout regeneration of the body. Due to a large dose of proteins, amino acids and casein, it reduces muscle pain and accelerates the process of building them.

The product is very popular with professional athletes, regardless of the type of discipline they practice.

Nutrigo Lab Regeneration is a combination of high quality ingredients. The product includes Optipep® protein, characterized by its high absorbability and PeptoPro® casein hydrolyzate. 

Tuesday, 24 November 2020

Top 5 Ways to Build Muscle Fast

Top 5 Ways to Build Muscle Fast

In order to accelerate the process of amplifying muscles in the sport of bodybuilding, there are some recommendations and advice that practitioners of this sport do not pay attention to, and which, if you focus on them, will improve the results of the exercise. Concentration in the muscle during exercise One of the most important factors that affect the quality of the exercise and its results is the concentration in the muscle that is being exercised without others, as the person must feel the tension of the muscle during the exercise

. A common mistake made among bodybuilders is weight gain

 Regardless of the muscles used during a workout,

 For example, in exercises of the leg muscles, a person relies on the muscle of his lower back more than the muscles of the leg,

 This is not what is required, but rather it must focus on the leg muscles by being the ones that are tightened during exercise

 This is to ensure results for the leg muscles, and to avoid serious injuries, such as a herniated disc in the lower back muscles.

 Weight gain or repetition during exercise when the ability to hold the exercises on portable weights and the number of repetitions will lead to stability of muscle size after a period;

 As the muscle will get used to the effort expended. There are three solutions to this problem, namely:

 Increase the amount of weights lifted during exercise while fixing the number of repetitions

. Increase the number of iterations while fixing the amount of weights lifted.

 Increase the amount of weights lifted and the number of repetitions as well;

 This is the best solution to this problem. It is worth warning not to resort to these solutions except when the ability to do so is confirmed in order to avoid severe injuries, such as herniated discs,

 And the muscles are torn,

 And dislocated joints

Increase the amount of daily protein intake. Protein is the main nutrient for building muscle, as it contains the amino acids necessary for muscle,

 Any deficiency in it from the daily need of a bodybuilder (according to the person's weight) will lead to the breakdown of the fibers without rebuilding them,

 Hence, the muscles will not enlarge even with exercise. Protein intake is increased by foods rich in it, such as eggs.

 And all kinds of meats, and cheeses (preferably low-fat), or via synthetic protein products, such as whey protein

 Increase the hours of sleep The sleep period is the best period in which the body rebuilds muscles, in addition to that sleep relaxes the body and provides it with energy for the next day. Therefore, the lack of the hours of sleep required per day leads to slow muscle inflation, and there will be no Energy to perform exercises as required

 Avoiding habits harmful to health There are many causes that harm the body in general, and slow down the process of enlarging muscles, including: smoking and drinking shisha: smoking of all kinds weakens the blood circulation and the lungs significantly

 Drink soft drinks: they lead to osteoporosis and weight gain, and they also contain large amounts of caffeine, which is harmful if too much.

 Eating fried foods and quick meals: they contain large amounts of harmful fats and cholesterol, and thus will lead to an increase in weight.

 Taking contraband: its damages are many and multiple, and it can lead to death.

 Take steroids

 Although it quickly enlarges muscles, there are many disadvantages and side effects, such as infertility, imbalance of hormones in the body, and leaving them will lead to muscle atrophy and loosening.


Nutrigo Lab Mass – a food supplement that helps build muscle mass.

Nutrigo Lab Regeneration – a food supplement aiding regeneration after training.

Nutrigo Lab Burner – body fat reducer with the patented SINETROL® Xpur complex.

Nutrigo Lab Strength – a food supplement that increases muscle pump and exercise capacity during exercise.

All supplements from the Nutrigo Lab series have the highest quality ingredients and are safe for health. These products are aimed at a wide range of people who want a well-proportioned and sculpted figure. 

How to build muscle quickly at home in a safe and easy way

How to build muscle quickly at home in a safe and easy way

Muscle Building

 Building muscles in the body means enlarging all the main visible muscles in the human body,

 Where a body with a huge muscle structure is considered a measure of the beauty of the body,

 And evidence of his strength, and therefore young people rush to exercise in order to build their muscles.

The building of muscles is through exercising them with specialized exercises that work to amplify the muscles of the body,

These exercises are repetitions of a specific movement that strains the muscles and works to tighten them.




 Bodybuilding is the main sport to inflate the muscles of the body,

 It relies mainly on muscle exercise and protein-rich food. Bodybuilding exercises depend on lifting heavy weights (such as iron and hand weights)

Frequently for a muscle strain,

 Then the muscle begins to collapse due to the great effort exposed to it,

 The benefit of a high protein diet is to rebuild the damaged muscle fibers again, more and stronger than they used to be.

 Bodybuilding competitions are held in which the competition is a comparison between the bodies of competitors in terms of muscle mass and detail

Sports fitness


The sport of fitness

It is a sport similar to bodybuilding, in which muscles are amplified, but in a lesser way than bodybuilding.

 Where practitioners of this sport focus on detailing and shaping the muscle instead of amplifying it, and the exercises of this sport differ from the exercises of bodybuilding in that they do not depend mainly on carrying heavy weights, but rather exercises that benefit from the fitness of the body.

Strength sport


Strength sport is a sport that depends mainly on carrying heavy weights,

 It does not focus on the shape and detail of the muscle,

Rather, it is only its ability to carry heavy weights (which is directly proportional to the size of the muscle). The competition in it for the amount of weight carried by one repetition of the three exercises:

 Squat exercise

 Deadlift exercise

 And chest pressure exercise

 This sport relies on all exercises that help in increasing the weight lifted.

Muscle amplification mechanism


The muscles of the body are divided into 5 classes when you want to amplify them,

They are: the muscles of the arms

 And the triceps muscle

 Forearm muscles), shoulder muscles, back muscles, and leg muscles.

 The exercises used differ for each muscle group.

 For example, exercises for the back muscles are different from exercises for the leg muscles.

And so on.

Exercise stresses the muscle greatly, thus destroying the muscle fibers of that muscle, and protein is used (either through food or synthetic protein products) to rebuild these fibers.

, As the body uses the amino acids in protein to rebuild the muscles (whose fibers are also made of amino acids)

Muscles are rebuilt larger and stronger than before; This is to adapt the muscle to the repeated exertion obtained. 


Nutrigo Lab Mass – a food supplement that helps build muscle mass.

Nutrigo Lab Regeneration – a food supplement aiding regeneration after training.

Nutrigo Lab Burner – body fat reducer with the patented SINETROL® Xpur complex.

Nutrigo Lab Strength – a food supplement that increases muscle pump and exercise capacity during exercise.

All supplements from the Nutrigo Lab series have the highest quality ingredients and are safe for health. These products are aimed at a wide range of people who want a well-proportioned and sculpted figure.

Monday, 23 November 2020

how to process of spermatogenesis weakens with age

 Male Enhancement

Semaxin supports the spermatogensis proccess (sperm production), improves the quality of the sperm and increases its volume, increases the libido and also eliminates erection problems in a natural manner, safe for the body.

  Semaxin stimulates the testosterone production process – the most important male sex hormone. A drop in the level of this hormone is visible with age, and Semaxin's task is to 

eliminate the effects of this process.

how to process of spermatogenesis weakens with age.

 There is also a significant decrease in testosterone levels. This causes sexual performance and fertility to be compromised and, as a result, problems with self-confidence arise in key situations.

The ingredients contained in Semaxin reduce these symptoms, stimulate the sperm production process and contribute to maintaining men’s sexual functions. Regular use of the product effectively increases sexual desire, so you are ready for intimacy regardless of age, and a phenomenal orgasm is its crowning achievement.

Research confirms Semaxin’s effectiveness

Semaxin is a combination of 12 carefully selected ingredients with clinically proven effects. The combination of plant extracts, vitamins, minerals, amino acids and antioxidants contained in the product resulted in the creation of an extremely effective food supplement.

The ingredients of Semaxin support the process of spermatogenesis and increase the mobility of sperm. They improve the quality of semen, increase the level of antioxidants and inhibit oxidative stress, which can reduce testosterone levels in the body and disturb the function of the testicles. Semaxin contains a composition that supports fertility and additionally restores sexual fitness.

30-Day Weight Loss Tracker Product Description

 30-Day Weight Loss Tracker Product Description                                                                                            B...