Friday, 14 January 2022

How is the fetus formed?

How is the fetus formed?
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1. Vaccination stage
When starting to answer about how the fetus is formed, we mention that the man throws millions of sperm at the moment of sexual intercourse, and these animals will follow the reproductive methods of the woman until they reach the so-called horn. Only with the egg to form the zygote, which is the first cell of the embryo.
Here, as soon as the sperm enters the egg and fertilizes it, a natural barrier is formed on the wall of the fertilized egg that prevents the entry of the rest of the sperm so that a distorted embryo does not form.
A normal cell contains 46 genetic chromosomes, which are the components that carry genetic traits in a miniature form. These chromosomes are distributed in pairs, as each of the man’s sperm and the woman’s egg have half the normal number, i.e. 23 genetic chromosomes. chromosome.
The sex of the fetus at the moment of conception is determined by genetic chromosomes. Within the genetic chromosomes, there is a pair of chromosomes called sex chromosomes, which determine the sexual characteristics and characteristics of a person.
These sex chromosomes are either X-shaped or Y-shaped.
As a result, at the moment of fertilization of the egg, if the fertilized sperm contains the X chromosome, we will have the formula XX with the egg’s chromosome, and the sex of the fetus will be female, on the contrary, if the fertilized sperm contains the Y chromosome, we will have the XY formula and the sex of the fetus will be male.
2. Post-vaccination stage

This stage takes three days during which the fertilized egg from the horn adjacent to the ovary reaches the uterus, and the fertilized egg is nested within the uterus, just like planting a seed in the soil.
The nesting within the uterine wall is completed on the seventh day of insemination, and the fetus is in direct contact with the woman's body, and the size of the fetus does not exceed one millimeter.
After two weeks, the size of the fetus becomes 2-3 millimeters, but after another two weeks, that is, seven weeks after the last menstrual cycle, the size of the fetus becomes approximately 1 centimeter and we can see it and see its heart, which beats its first beats with the ultrasound.
3. The first embryonic stage
Continuing to talk about how the fetus is formed, this stage coincides with the first trimester of pregnancy, during which all the organs and organs of the fetus are formed.
The fertilized egg only remains for a short period of one cell, and the process of its division begins during the hours and then the first days, then it divides into two, then four, eight, and so on to become sixty thousand billion cells at birth.
Life arises within this fertilized egg very quickly, but within a system defined by time and the space surrounding the embryo and under the close supervision of the genetic chromosomes, where this genetic code imprinted on the chromosomes is disintegrated and orders are given to raise an embryo containing the genetic characteristics of its parents within a precisely defined time system.
4. The stage of formation of the placenta and the membranes surrounding the fetus
Also, with regard to how the fetus is formed, when the fetus is two and a half months old, the transformation of the nourishing fetal cells that we talked about earlier begins, as their section adjacent to the uterus turns into a placenta after it multiplies and enlarges.
As for the rest of it, it will become thinner and transform into the outer membrane surrounding the fetus, while the inner membrane is the amniotic membrane, whose cells secrete the amniotic fluid in which the fetus swims and protects it from external shocks.
The fetus, then, is within a closed cavity filled with amniotic fluid and surrounded by fetal membranes and is connected to the mother through the umbilical cord ending with the placenta.
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