Friday, 14 January 2022

pregnancy tests*

pregnancy tests**
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1. Urinary tests:
A sample of the woman’s urine is taken and a small finger from the cardboard is placed in it. It contains a chemical that changes color from one color to another in the event that a woman becomes pregnant.
We can do this test at home and without the need for a specialized laboratory.
2. Blood tests:
It is based on hormonal assays (âHCG) and should be performed by a specialist laboratory. The positivity of this test begins with the delay of the menstrual cycle, that is, when there is a fifteen-day pregnancy. (Click here for more information about pregnancy tests)
Gynecological examination:
The gynecological examination does not show the signs of pregnancy until the second month when these signs are hidden during the first month.
Echography (examination on TV):
This examination is accurate after eight days of the delay of the period, that is, when there is a pregnancy of twenty-one days, where the first signs of pregnancy appear. Fetal heartbeat on TV.
Another benefit of echography is to determine the exact gestational age, especially if the woman has some doubts about determining the date of her last menstrual period.
Precautions to be taken in the event of pregnancy:
Since pregnancy is suspected, especially if it is confirmed, some prohibitions that may be harmful to the fetus should be avoided at this stage, namely:
• Smoking - alcohol - or a lot of stimulants.
• Keep away from patients with infectious diseases.
• Not to take medicines unless prescribed by a doctor who knows the possibility of pregnancy (even some medicines that you consider simple and sound should be avoided, such as laxatives - sedatives - sedatives).

• You should also be wary of radiographs that distort the fetus and inform the radiologist about the possibility of pregnancy. 

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