Friday, 14 January 2022

Pregnancy in its early stages

Pregnancy in its early stages
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The first sign of pregnancy is a missed or late period:
It is the first sign that attracts a woman’s attention, and it is actually the main sign of pregnancy, especially in women with regular ovarian (monthly) cycles, but it should be noted that not every delay in the menstrual cycle always indicates a confirmed pregnancy for the following two reasons:
Some women have irregular periods with sometimes delayed periods (several weeks) without being pregnant.

It should be remembered that women with regular menstrual cycles may suffer from a delay in the period caused by an emotional crisis or an accidental illness, even if it was minor.
The important thing that you must tell your doctor when consulting him is the date of the first day of the last menstrual period prior to pregnancy, and you must record this date accurately.
Other signs of pregnancy: These are the common signs such as morning sickness and sometimes vomiting, painful enlargement and swelling of the breasts at times, permanent sleepiness and a change in the nature of the woman. But sometimes these signs are often not clear, and one sign of them may appear or all of them disappear, and thus the woman goes through a period of anxiety associated with the hope of pregnancy.
heat chart:
It is a chart of the morning temperature for a woman upon awakening. If we measure the temperature every morning from the beginning of the menstrual cycle in a woman, we find that the chart begins with a temperature of 36.7° C, then the temperature fluctuates and may drop to 36.5° C on the day of ovulation, then rises on the day after ovulation to 37° Celsius, and it continues with the same value until the next menstrual cycle, where it drops at its beginning to approximately 36.7 ° C, and if we know that the day of ovulation is the appropriate day for fertilization and for pregnancy to occur, we can thus determine the appropriate day for fertilization and thus pregnancy, which is the day before the morning temperature rise. By observing several menstrual cycles, we may be able to accurately determine this day, and we advise women, especially those with irregular menstrual cycles, to have intercourse on this day in order to increase the chances of getting pregnant. There is another benefit for this day (i.e., the day of ovulation) which is to delay pregnancy. ) On this day with a margin of safety in the amount of, three or four days before and after which sexual intercourse is not allowed, and thus we organize the family without contraceptives. The reason for taking a margin of safety is that the lifespan of the sperm can exceed 48 hours. Thus, the occurrence of sexual intercourse three or four days before the day of ovulation may lead to pregnancy on the day of ovulation, and the other reason is that ovulation may occur before or two days after the specified date.
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