Wednesday, 28 June 2023

Folic acid for men: How does it improve their fertility?


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Men suffer from certain diseases that reduce their fertility. Folic acid may help treat these problems and increase fertility. Now let's learn about folic acid for men.

What is the importance of folic acid for men?

Men usually produce about 1,500 sperm every second, as it takes stem cells 60 days to form sperm, and folic acid is one of the essential elements for cell division and DNA formation.

Folic acid levels are associated with sperm count, so low levels of folic acid in semen have been found to cause poor sperm DNA stability.

Benefits of folic acid supplementation for men

There are several other benefits of folic acid for men, including:

It improves the physiological functions of men.

It breaks down the harmful saturated fats in the man's body and converts them into energy.

It helps the nervous system to perform its functions in a distinctive way.

Protects the respiratory system and lungs.

Improves mood and solves anxiety and stress problems in men.

What are the recommended amounts of folic acid?

The recommended amount of folic acid is 400 milligrams for men and women ages 14 and older.

Other benefits and uses of folic acid?

Folic acid is a water-soluble form of vitamin B. It is found naturally in food, such as: green leafy vegetables such as spinach, lettuce, and okra, and in fruits, such as: bananas, melons, and beans.

Folic acid is the synthetic form of this vitamin, which is of great importance in treating health problems in men such as fertility, and this is what we explained previously by mentioning the benefits related to folic acid for men, but far from the benefits of folic acid in increasing fertility in men, it has many Benefits for the body such as:

It reduces large amounts of homocysteine in the blood.

Limits the harmful effects of medication, such as methotrexate.

Protects against birth defects in new babies, especially neural tube defects.

It reduces age-related vision loss (age-related macular degeneration).

Contributes to the treatment of high blood pressure problems.

Treats gum problems, especially during pregnancy.

Relieves skin disorders, such as: vitiligo.

Protects against memory loss problems, especially as you age.

Protects against early fetal and infant death.

Tuesday, 27 June 2023

7 reasons responsible for irregular menstruation

reasons responsible for irregular menstruation

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Does the length or days of your menstrual cycle vary from month to month? It's normal for the length of your menstrual cycle to vary slightly, especially during puberty, breastfeeding, or approaching menopause. However, many factors can affect the regularity of your period as well

The first menstruation occurs in a woman between the ages of 11 and 14, and it continues regularly every month until menopause at the age of 51. The average menstrual cycle is 28 days, and this average can vary from one girl to another and from month to month. The menstrual cycle is considered regular if it occurs every 24 to 38 days.

The menstrual cycle is considered irregular in the following cases:

If the time between periods is constantly changing, so that your period is later than the previous period or comes earlier.

Unusually more or less blood loss.

Frequent variation in the number of days the cycle lasts.


Causes of irregular menstrual periods

. pharmaceutical

Certain anti-inflammatory medications, anticoagulants, or hormonal medications can affect menstrual bleeding, and heavy bleeding can be a side effect of intrauterine devices (IUDs) used for birth control.

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2. Normal hormonal changes

During puberty, the body undergoes major changes, and it may take several years for the hormones that regulate the menstrual cycle to fall into a reliable pattern, including the hormones estrogen and progesterone that regulate the buildup of the lining of the uterus,

3. Start birth control

Hormonal contraceptives work by stopping ovulation, when a woman takes birth control pills or uses the patch, implant or IUD.

4. Stop birth control

When a person stops using hormonal birth control, it can lead to irregular periods, and it takes time for the hormonal cycle in the body to start working as usual again.

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5. Eating disorders

Eating disorders can cause missed or irregular periods, such as:

anorexia nervosa

Bulimia nervosa.

Binge eating disorder.

6. Endometriosis

Or endometriosis is a condition in which the tissue that lines the uterus begins to grow elsewhere outside the uterus. These cells form the lining of the uterus, which thickens and falls off with each menstrual cycle, causing severe bleeding and severe pain.

7. Thyroid disease

The thyroid gland produces hormones that affect metabolism, heart rate, and other essential functions. It helps control the timing of ovulation and the menstrual cycle. People with hyperthyroidism produce too much thyroid hormone. 

Monday, 26 June 2023

Diabetics - the 9 most dangerous foods that cause high blood sugar and danger for diabetics

Diabetics - the 9 most dangerous foods that cause high blood sugar and danger for diabetics

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1. Natural sweeteners like honey

Some people may try to avoid white or brown sugar if they are monitoring their blood glucose levels, which in turn may cause them to reach for something more natural like honey or agave syrup.

Unfortunately, even though these sources of sugar are more natural than refined white sugar, they can still spike your blood sugar.

For example, if you're looking at the glycemic index — which is used to determine how quickly a particular food can raise your blood sugar, with 100 being the fastest and 1 being the slowest — table sugar ranks 65 and honey is just below that at 61.

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2. Fried foods

Eating fried foods can wreak havoc on your blood glucose levels. This type of food is often loaded with trans fats due to the oil used for frying.

Fat can contribute

3. Potatoes

Potatoes may not be the best food for people with diabetes. You don't have to avoid them completely, but pairing them with some fiber or protein can help limit their effects on your glucose levels.

4. Foods high in trans fats

If you are watching your blood sugar levels, you may want to severely limit your consumption of trans fats because, according to the Scandinavian Journal of Food and Nutrition, trans fats can increase insulin resistance in a person if they have type 2 diabetes.

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5. Fruit-flavored yogurt

Many fruit-flavored yogurts are packed with more sugar than some desserts, so instead, try plain Greek or Icelandic yogurt and add a little honey to sweeten it yourself.

6. Packaged juices

When you buy prepackaged juice, your juice is likely to be made mostly of fruit juices such as a mixture of apple juice and pineapple juice mixed together and lacks any form of dietary fiber and protein.

7. Processed carbohydrates

These include white bread, white rice, potatoes, soda, and snacks such as chips and pretzels. To reduce their impact on blood sugar, don't eat them on their own and instead pair them with foods rich in protein and fiber.

8. Sugary cereals

Some of these grains may be really high in total carbohydrates and lack both dietary fiber and protein, two nutrients that keep blood sugar stable and in control.

9. Dessert

Unfortunately, if your blood sugar level is really high, the last thing you can eat is a handful of candy. 

Sunday, 25 June 2023

How do you choose the right diet for you?

How do you choose the right diet for you 

Many people want to lose weight, especially when they are obese, which leads them to follow diets that may be wrong, and then some disturbing symptoms appear.

How to choose the appropriate diet?

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The effect of dieting on people differs according to the response of each individual, according to some questions that must be taken into account, as they are evident in:

1- Is the system compatible with food?

It is necessary for people to search for a diet that is compatible with the way of eating that the person is accustomed to. It is not possible to follow a diet that depends on two meals a day, despite the habit of eating 6 meals, in addition to the time for preparing meals and the pattern of the system in general.

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2- Is the system compatible with the sport being practiced?

Some types of diet greatly stimulate exercise, although some people are accustomed to exercising lightly, and therefore it is difficult to regularly practice this system to maintain body weight, and it is better to choose the system that is commensurate with the life activities of each person.

3- Can this system continue forever?

When thinking about following any diet, you must make sure that you are fully prepared to follow this system, because any failure from the habits of the followed system causes a lot of weight gain, so you must make sure to continue to follow the chosen system.

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Rapid weight loss is usually more fluid loss than fat loss, and this is what happens at the beginning of any diet, and therefore care must be taken to follow a diet that includes fewer calories, exercise regularly, and eat fewer carbohydrates.

5- Can you eat your favorite foods?

Following some systems requires abstaining from many foods that a person prefers, which causes deprivation and then an increase in the desire for these foods and gluttony that causes the inability to follow this system for a long time.

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Saturday, 24 June 2023

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Pour brûler la graisse de la taille - 6 fruits d'été à manger quotidiennement

Pour brûler la graisse de la taille - 6 fruits d'été à manger quotidiennement

La saison estivale est célèbre pour une variété de fruits bénéfiques pour la santé humaine. Les personnes à la diète peuvent compter sur certains d'entre eux pour perdre du poids et brûler la graisse corporelle tenace, en particulier autour de la taille.

Fruits d'été pour brûler la graisse du ventre

1- fraise

Les fraises sont faibles en calories, s'élevant à 33 calories par gramme 100. Ils fournissent également au corps des nutriments qui augmentent le taux de combustion des graisses, tels que les fibres, la vitamine C, le potassium, l'acide folique et le manganèse.

2- Pomme

Les pommes jouent un rôle majeur dans la perte de poids et la combustion des graisses accumulées dans l'abdomen et la taille, car elles contiennent un pourcentage élevé de fibres alimentaires, ce qui aide à se sentir rassasié pendant de longues heures, ce qui améliore le taux de métabolisme du corps.

3- Cantaloup

Shamma aide à garder l'estomac plein pendant de longues heures, en raison de sa forte teneur en eau et en fibres alimentaires, et avec un manque d'apport alimentaire, le corps est obligé de brûler les graisses qu'il contient pour obtenir de l'énergie.

4- Pastèque

La pastèque réduit la sensation de faim pendant longtemps, car l'eau constitue 90% ou plus de sa valeur nutritionnelle totale, en plus de sa forte teneur en fibres alimentaires.

5- Pêches

Il est faible en calories et contient de bons niveaux de fibres alimentaires coupe-faim, c'est donc l'un des fruits d'été utiles pour perdre du poids et brûler les graisses corporelles.

6- Papaye

En mangeant une tasse de papaye, le corps reçoit 55 calories et 3 grammes de fibres alimentaires, en plus des nutriments qui contribuent à brûler les graisses corporelles, comme la vitamine C, la vitamine A, l'acide folique et le potassium. 

Sunday, 18 June 2023

Severe knee pain treatment

Knee pain is a common complaint and affects people of all ages. Knee pain may be the result of an injury, such as torn ligaments or torn cartilage. It may also be caused by certain medical conditions, including arthritis, gout, and infections.

Many types of minor knee pain respond well to self-care measures. Physical therapy and knee braces can also help relieve pain. In some cases, though, your knee may need surgical repair


The location of the knee pain unit may vary depending on the cause of the problem. Signs and symptoms that sometimes accompany knee pain include:

Swelling and stiffness

Redness and warmth to the touch

Weakness or imbalance

Popping or popping sounds

Inability to completely straighten the knee

When do you see a doctor?

You should contact the doctor in the following cases:

An inability to bear weight on your knee or a feeling as if the knee is unsteady or stiff

There is significant swelling in the knee

Inability to fully extend or bend the knee

Noticeable deformity of the leg or knee

Fever, as well as noticing redness in the knee or feeling pain or swelling in it

The presence of severe knee pain associated with an injury

the reasons

Anterior cruciate ligament injury. An anterior cruciate ligament injury is a tear in the anterior cruciate ligament, which is one of the four ligaments that connect the shin bone to the thigh bone. Anterior cruciate ligament injury is particularly common in people who play basketball, football or other sports that require sudden changes in body direction.

Fractions. Knee bones, including the patella (the movable bone at the knee head), can be fractured during falls or car accidents. Sometimes, people whose bones have been weakened by osteoporosis can fracture their knee just by making a wrong movement.

Meniscus tear. The meniscus is a tough, rubbery, shock-absorbing cartilage between the shinbone and the femur. It can tear if you suddenly twist your knee with weight on it.

Knee bursitis. Some knee injuries cause inflammation of the bursa, which are small sacs of fluid that protect the outside of the knee joint so that tendons and ligaments glide smoothly over the joint.

Patellar tendinitis. Tendonitis causes irritation and inflammation of one or more tendons. Tendons are the thick, fibrous tissue that connects muscle to bone. This inflammation may occur when there is an injury to the patellar tendon, which runs from the kneecap to the shinbone and allows you to kick, run and jump. It is worth noting that tendinitis can affect runners, skiers, cyclists, and those who participate in sports activities and sports that require jumping.


Treatments will vary, depending on the exact cause of your knee pain.


Your doctor may prescribe medications to relieve pain and treat conditions that cause knee pain, such as rheumatoid arthritis or gout.


Strengthening the muscles around your knee will increase its stability. Depending on the particular condition causing the pain, your doctor may recommend physical therapy or different types of strengthening exercises.

If you stay physically active or exercise regularly, you may need exercises to correct movement patterns that may be affecting your knees and to achieve good technique during a sport or activity. Exercises aimed at improving flexibility and balance are also very important.

Arch supports — sometimes with wedges on either side of the heel — can help shift pressure away from the side of the knee most affected by osteoarthritis. In some cases, different types of braces may be used to help protect and support the knee joint.


In some cases, your doctor may suggest injecting medications or other substances directly into the joint. Examples of this include:

corticosteroids Injecting corticosteroids into the knee joint may help reduce osteoarthritis symptoms and relieve pain for a few months, although these injections are not always effective.

Hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid is a thick, similar fluid that is naturally found in cartilage and keeps joints flexible. It can be injected into the knee to improve movement and relieve pain. Although results from studies have differed on the effectiveness of this treatment, relief from a single injection or a series of injections may last for up to six months.

Platelet rich plasma injection. PRP injections contain concentrations of several growth factors that can reduce inflammation and aid healing. Some studies have revealed that platelet-rich plasma injections can benefit some people with osteoarthritis, but the issue still needs further study. 

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