Friday, 25 August 2023

8 foods that boost your immune system and help keep you healthy

8 foods that boost your immune system and help keep you healthy


1. Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits like oranges or grapefruits are full of vitamin C, which is known to support immunity. Adult women should get 75 mg of vitamin C daily, while men should get 90 mg.

To support the immune system, vitamin C helps the body repair tissues and maintain healthy skin and blood vessels.

In addition, vitamin C is an important antioxidant, a substance that prevents cell deterioration and improves immune function.

2. Green leafy vegetables

Leafy green vegetables such as spinach, kale, and collard greens are rich in vitamin A, which is important for immune function. Men need 900 micrograms of vitamin A daily, while women need 700 micrograms.

According to a 2018 study, scientists know that vitamin A is important for the immune system, but they don't understand exactly why. They believe that vitamin A affects the production of bone marrow. Bone marrow produces immune cells such as lymphocytes, which are a type of white blood cell that can help fight infection.

A study published in 2019 found that leafy greens are also rich in dietary nitrate, an organic compound that has anti-inflammatory properties and can help regulate the immune system.

3. Red pepper

Red pepper is particularly beneficial for immune health. According to a research paper published in April 2020, experts recommend red peppers as part of a healthy quarantine diet due to their vitamin A and C content.

4. Yogurt

Souffront says yogurt is a great source of protein, which can help maintain healthy bones and skin. "Healthy tissues are the first barrier against infection," she added, and when your skin is healthy, it blocks harmful bacteria or viruses, for example.

In addition to providing protein, most yogurt products contain live bacteria, which are bacteria that improve the health of the gut microbiome that influences immune function and contributes to a person's ability to ward off infection.

5. Green tea

"Green tea is very rich in antioxidants and polyphenols, antioxidants that help prevent cell damage. Overall healthier cells will allow the body to have a better immune response," explains Souffront.

6. Gingerbread

Ginger has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. A study published in 2013 found that ginger supports the immune system and may be effective in preventing cancer.

Souffront recommends sticking to fresh ginger, as it's more effective than a supplement. For this reason, using fresh ginger in cooking or tea is best.

7. Garlic

"For centuries, people have been touting the health benefits of garlic, with suggestions that it can help with heart disease, high cholesterol, and colds and flu," Souffront says.

8. Turmeric

Souffront says the immune benefits of turmeric are related to curcumin, which is the ingredient that gives it its deep yellow color.

"Curcumin appears to have the ability to modulate the immune system by activating certain immune-related cells and inhibiting the effects of certain inflammatory compounds," Souffront explains.

A report released in August 2020 concluded that turmeric could be a beneficial immunity booster. It can be easily added to tea or incorporated into recipes such as curries 

Wednesday, 23 August 2023

Learn about physical changes during pregnancy (2)

Learn about physical changes during pregnancy (2)

Respiratory system

A high level of progesterone, a hormone that is constantly produced during pregnancy; This stimulates the body to breathe faster and deeper. As a result, a pregnant woman exhales more carbon dioxide to keep the carbon dioxide level low. (Carbon monoxide is a waste product generated during breathing.) Women can breathe faster because of the enlarging uterus Limits the expansion of the lungs when breathing. The circumference of a woman's chest increases slightly.

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Almost every pregnant woman suffers from shortness of breath to some degree when she exerts herself, especially towards the end of her pregnancy. During exertion, the rate of breathing of a pregnant woman increases more than that of a non-pregnant woman.

As a result of more blood being pumped, the lining of the airways receives more blood and swells to some extent, causing them to narrow. As a result, a pregnant woman sometimes feels stuffy in the nose, and the eustachian tubes (which connect the middle ear to the back of the nose) can become blocked. Dead ends. These effects can slightly alter the tone and quality of a woman's voice.

Digestion and food


Nausea and vomiting, especially in the morning (morning sickness), is common. It may be caused by elevated levels of estrogen and human chorionic gonadotropin, two hormones that help maintain pregnancy.

Nausea and vomiting can be relieved by changing the diet or eating patterns by doing the following


Drink and eat small amounts frequently

Eat before feeling hungry

eating bland foods (such as broth, soup, rice, and pasta)

Eat regular soda crackers and drink soft drinks

Keep crackers near the bed and eat a bite or two before getting up to ease a morning sickness

There are currently no medications specifically designed to treat morning sickness. Sometimes nausea and vomiting are so severe or persistent that dehydration, weight loss, or other problems occur—a disorder called hyperemesis gravidarum. Women with this disorder may need treatment with medications that You are relieved of nausea (anti-vomiting drugs) or you are temporarily admitted to the hospital and fluids are given intravenously.

Heartburn and belching are common symptoms, possibly because food stays in the stomach longer and because the sphincter at the lower end of the esophagus tends to relax, allowing stomach contents to back up into the esophagus. Several measures can help relieve heartburn. :

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Eat small meals

Avoid bending over or lying flat for several hours after eating

Avoiding caffeine, tobacco, alcohol, aspirin and related medications (salicylates)

Use of liquid antacids, except for antacids containing sodium bicarbonate because they contain a lot of salt (sodium)

Heartburn can be relieved at night by:


Not eating for several hours before going to bed

Raising the head of the bed or using pillows to elevate the head and shoulders

The stomach produces less acid during pregnancy. Thus, stomach ulcers rarely occur during pregnancy, and existing ulcers often begin to heal.

As the pregnancy progresses, pressure from the enlarging uterus on the rectum and lower part of the intestine may cause constipation. Constipation can worsen because the high level of progesterone during pregnancy slows the automatic waves of muscular contractions in the intestines that normally propel food. Follow-up may help. A high-fiber diet, drinking plenty of fluids, and exercising regularly can help prevent constipation.

Hemorrhoids, which are common problems that may result from the pressure of an enlarged uterus or from constipation. Stool softeners, anesthetic gels, or warm baths can be used when hemorrhoids develop.


Phantom cravings may occur, which is the desire to eat strange or non-food foods (such as starch or clay).

Pregnant women who suffer from morning sickness usually have excessive saliva. This symptom may be annoying, but it is harmless.

Gallstones seem to be more common during pregnancy.



The mask of pregnancy (melasma) is brown pigmented patches that may appear on the skin of the forehead and cheeks. The skin around the nipples (areola) may also darken. A dark line (called the linea nigra) usually appears down the center of the abdomen. These changes may be caused by the placenta producing a hormone It activates melanocytes, which are the cells that make a dark brown skin pigment (melanin). 

Learn about physical changes during pregnancy (1)

Learn about physical changes during pregnancy (1)

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Symptoms that should be reported to the doctor as soon as they occur during pregnancy
Persistent or unusual headaches
Persistent nausea and vomiting
sleight of head
vision disturbances
Pain or cramps in the lower abdomen
vaginal bleeding
Amniotic fluid leakage (colloquially described as “waters breaking, or waters breaking”)
Swelling of the hands or feet
Decreased urine production
Any disease or infection
Tremor (trembling of the hands, feet, or both)
Rapid heart rate
Decreased fetal movement
Public Health
Feeling tired is common, especially in the first 12 weeks and later in pregnancy. Women may need to rest more than usual.
The breasts tend to enlarge because hormones (mainly estrogen) prepare them to produce milk. Gradually more milk-producing glands become more and more capable of producing milk. the support.
During the last weeks of pregnancy, the breasts may produce a thin, yellow or milky secretion (colostrum). The breasts also produce colostrum during the first few days after birth, before milk is produced. This fluid is rich in minerals and antibodies and is the first food for a breastfed infant. .
Pregnancy causes many changes in a woman's body. Most of these changes disappear after childbirth. These changes cause some symptoms, which are normal. However, some disorders, such as gestational diabetes, can occur during pregnancy, and some symptoms may indicate such a disorder .

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The heart and blood flow
Because the fetus grows, a woman's heart must work harder during pregnancy, and the heart must pump more blood to the uterus. By the end of pregnancy, the uterus receives one-fifth of the blood supply that the woman's body received before pregnancy. During pregnancy, the amount of blood it pumps increases Heart (cardiac output) by 30-50%. As cardiac output increases, the resting heart rate increases from the normal pre-pregnancy level of about 70 bpm to 90 bpm during exercise. During sports, cardiac output and heart rate increase more in a pregnant woman than in a non-pregnant woman. By about the 30th week of pregnancy, cardiac output decreases slightly. It then increases during labor by an additional 30%. After delivery, cardiac output decreases rapidly at first. Then it slows down until it returns to the pre-pregnancy level about six weeks after delivery.

Some heart murmurs may appear and an abnormal heart rhythm may occur as a result of the heart working harder. Pregnant women may feel these changes at times. These changes are normal during pregnancy. However, heart sounds and other abnormal rhythms (eg, diastolic murmurs) may be needed. Diastolic heart murmurs are the murmurs that occur just before the heart contracts. 

Tuesday, 22 August 2023

Medical care during pregnancy


Ideally, a couple considering having a child should meet with a doctor or other health care provider to discuss whether pregnancy is advisable. The pregnancy is usually very safe. However, some disorders can become severe during pregnancy. It also increases for some couples. The risk of having a child with a genetic disorder.

Once a couple is considering having a baby, the woman should start taking a multivitamin that contains folate (folic acid) once a day. The lowest recommended intake for women of childbearing age is 400 micrograms, but some experts recommend slightly higher amounts such as 600 or 800 mcg. Such concentrations are often found in over-the-counter drug products, such as multivitamins. Folic acid reduces the risk of a baby developing a birth defect in the spinal cord or brain (neural tube defect). A person with a neural tube defect who uses a much larger amount than is usually recommended: 4,000 micrograms (mcg) as soon as he starts thinking about having another baby. Doses of 1,000 mcg or more can only be obtained with a prescription

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Factors that could weaken her health or the health of the fetus.

Tobacco use or alcohol consumption

Exposure to other people's cigarette smoke (passive smoking), which may harm the fetus

Contact with cat litter or feces, unless the cats are strictly confined to the home and not mixed with other cats (such contact can transmit toxoplasmosis, a parasite infection that can damage the brain of the fetus)

Exposure to high temperature for a long time

Exposure to chemicals or paint fumes

Close contact with people who have rubella or other infections that can cause birth defects

Being in contact with people who have chickenpox or shingles, unless the woman has had a test that shows she has had chickenpox and is immune to it

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Chickenpox and shingles are caused by infection with herpes viruses. During childbirth, these viruses can spread to the fetus and cause severe illness. The virus can also cause pneumonia in women, which is sometimes severe.

Knowing and addressing such factors before pregnancy may help reduce the risk of problems during pregnancy (see High-Risk Pregnancy). In addition, a woman can discuss her diet and social, emotional, and health concerns with her doctor.

When a woman sees a doctor or other health care provider before she is pregnant, she can get any necessary vaccinations, such as the rubella vaccine. If she has not taken folic acid, doctors can prescribe a prenatal multivitamin that contains the recommended daily amount. of folic acid, or more folic acid if she has had a baby with a neural tube defect. If necessary, genetic testing can be done to determine if the woman and her partner are at increased risk of having a baby with an inherited genetic disorder.

Sunday, 20 August 2023

3 Symptoms of stomach germs.. and what is the analysis of stomach germs?

3 Symptoms of stomach germs.. and what is the analysis of stomach germs

Stomach germ - in some cases - is present inside the human body, but it did not attack the stomach wall, so the patient does not show symptoms until late when it begins to attack the stomach.

The patient suffers from symptoms of stomach ulcers as a result of the germ attacking the lining of the stomach wall, so he begins to complain of:

Abdominal pain, especially when the stomach is empty, and the pain ends when the patient eats food or an antacid.

The patient feels a crunching pain.

The patient suffers from unsteady pain that appears and disappears and has no specific time or date.

After that, the symptoms of stomach germs begin to appear on the patient, which are:

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belching continuously




High temperature.


Significant weight loss.

In some advanced cases, the patient may show symptoms of the following germ, which is a sign of the need for immediate medical intervention:

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difficulty swallowing

severe anemia

severe diarrhea

Head rotation.


pale skin

vomiting blood

sharp pain in the stomach;

  Psychological symptoms of stomach germ




mental stress.

Joint and muscle pain.

chronic fatigue

Lack of focus.


Sleep disorders.

extreme exhaustion

heart rate disorder

What is the analysis of stomach germs?

The analysis of stomach germs includes more than one stage in order to make sure that the patient is infected with stomach germs, and we start the treatment journey so that the patient regains his life again, which is as follows:

A blood sample: to check for the presence of antibodies against H. pylori.

Stool sample: to look for traces of blood or anti-helix bacteria.

Urea breath test: The patient takes a liquid containing urea acid and breathes into a bag.

What is the treatment for stomach germs?

Stomach germs are usually treated with two different antibiotics (such as clarithromycin and amoxicillin) together, to help prevent bacteria from developing resistance to a particular type of antibiotic. Plus an acid-suppressing medication, to help heal the stomach lining

Medications that can suppress acid include:

Proton pump inhibitors: These drugs block the production of acid in the stomach. Some examples of PPIs are omeprazole, esomeprazole, lansoprazole and pantoprazole.

Histamine (H2) blockers: These medications stop the substance that triggers stomach acid production. An example is famotidine.

The course of treatment is two weeks, and your doctor may recommend a test four weeks after the end of treatment. If the tests show the presence of H. pylori, you will undergo another round of treatment using a different combination of antibiotics, and the analyzes will be repeated after that, until it is confirmed that the H. pylori is completely eradicated. 

Saturday, 19 August 2023

A study reveals: This is what makes antibiotics lose their effectiveness!

 As more bacteria develop resistance to the drugs designed to kill them, a new study finds that even a relatively new antibiotic isn't immune. According to what was published by New Atlas, citing the journal PLOS Biology.

Gene amplification mechanism

The new study, conducted by researchers at the Free University of Berlin, found that despite the novelty of the antibiotic alicidin, common bacteria are already developing resistance using a gene amplification mechanism, although the new antibiotic has a different mode of action than other antibiotics. Known as a peptide antibiotic, it inhibits DNA replication, the essential enzymes that help advance bacterial DNA replication. DNA gyrase enzymes are found in bacteria, not people, which makes them a good target.

coli and salmonella

The researchers used a wide range of tools to examine the mechanisms by which bacteria become resistant to apicidin, including RNA sequencing, protein analysis, X-ray crystallography and molecular modeling. They found that two bacteria commonly associated with infection in humans, E. coli and Salmonella, developed resistance to apicidin when exposed to increasingly higher concentrations of the drug.

1000 times resistance

They discovered that the source of the resistance was an increase in the number of copies of the STM3175 gene in bacterial cells, which were amplified in successive generations as the cells multiplied, developing resistance up to 1,000-fold. The gene encodes a protein that interacts with pericidin and protects bacteria from it.

The researchers also discovered that the same resistance mechanism was circulating among harmless, pathogenic bacteria, including Vibrio vulnificus, which can cause life-threatening wound infections, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which can cause pneumonia and blood infections after surgery.

1.27 million deaths

Antibiotic resistance is a growing public healthcare concern and, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), one of the biggest threats to global health, food security and development. A 2019 article in The Lancet reported that 1.27 million deaths were attributed to antimicrobial resistance during that year.

The results of the current study provide a better understanding of the mechanisms underlying antibiotic resistance of bacteria and could help in the development of apicidine-based antibiotic therapies.

Friday, 4 August 2023

Benefits of bee honey for sexual health

 Benefits of bee honey for sexual health

Bee honey is one of the foods that are beneficial to humans, because it contains many nutrients necessary for the body, some of which are rumored to be of particular 

importance to sexual health.

Nutritional value of bee honey


When you eat a tablespoon of bee honey, weighing 20 grams, the body gets a variety of nutrients, most notably:

  61 calories.

  17 grams of carbohydrates.

  1% of the recommended daily dose of riboflavin.

  1% of the recommended daily dose of copper.

Benefits of bee honey for sex


- Increase sexual desire

Bee honey plays a major role in increasing sexual desire in both men and women. The reason is that it contains boron, which contributes to maintaining hormonal balance in the body.

And bee honey becomes more able to increase sex drive, if it is extracted from some flowers, such as jasmine and orchids.

2- Improving sexual ability

Men can rely on bee honey to enhance sexual ability, as it helps increase levels of the male hormone "testosterone" in the body.

3- Prevention of sexually transmitted infections

Bee honey provides protection against sexually transmitted infections, such as vaginitis, cervicitis, cystitis, and urinary tract infections, as it contains antioxidants that help fight bacteria.

The best time to eat bee honey for married couples


It is best to eat bee honey before having sex, to ensure that you get its sexual benefits during intercourse.

The right amount of bee honey before intimacy

starting to have sex. It is recommended to take two tablespoons of bee honey before   

In 30 Days - Prescription for Erectile Dysfunction and Premature Ejaculation

 In 30 Days - Prescription for Erectile Dysfunction and Premature Ejaculation

Impotence of erection and premature ejaculation, due to the multiplicity of medicines available in pharmacies.

On the other hand, other men want to strengthen the erection and delay ejaculation in natural ways, such as taking herbs, without the need to take medications.

Prescription for erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation

Men can turn bee honey into a recipe to strengthen erection and delay ejaculation by adding some herbs to it, most notably:

- Ginseng.

- Royal Jelly

- A palm tree turned out.

- Sow a radish.

- Arugula seed.

- habat al Baraka.

Dietary supplement for men to improve erection


1- Vitamin D

Some studies have shown that a lack of vitamin D in the body increases the chances of developing erectile dysfunction, so care must be taken to eat its natural sources, such as eggs, dairy products, liver, and whole grains, or to receive doses of its nutritional supplements under the supervision of a doctor, with the necessity of exposure to sunlight daily.

2- Vitamin B9

Vitamin B9 plays a major role in improving the erection process, as a 2014 study found that folic acid deficiency in the body is one of the causes of impotence in some men.

Vitamin B9 is available in pharmacies in the form of supplementary tablets, which can be relied upon, to improve its levels in the body, with attention to eating foods rich in it, such as spinach, broccoli, avocado and orange.

A 2011 study revealed that moderate to severe erectile dysfunction could be overcome by supplementing with vitamin B3, which is also found naturally in many foods, such as meat, avocados, peanuts, and brown rice.

4- Vitamin C

Vitamin C supplements not only help strengthen the immune system, but it has also been proven to contribute to improving the erection process, thanks to its ability to increase the male hormone "testosterone" and enhance the flow of oxygenated blood to the male organ.

Men with erectile dysfunction can get vitamin C by eating certain foods, such as citrus fruits, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, potatoes, red peppers and tomatoes.

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 30-Day Weight Loss Tracker Product Description                                                                                            B...