Wednesday, 23 August 2023

Learn about physical changes during pregnancy (2)

Learn about physical changes during pregnancy (2)

Respiratory system

A high level of progesterone, a hormone that is constantly produced during pregnancy; This stimulates the body to breathe faster and deeper. As a result, a pregnant woman exhales more carbon dioxide to keep the carbon dioxide level low. (Carbon monoxide is a waste product generated during breathing.) Women can breathe faster because of the enlarging uterus Limits the expansion of the lungs when breathing. The circumference of a woman's chest increases slightly.

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Almost every pregnant woman suffers from shortness of breath to some degree when she exerts herself, especially towards the end of her pregnancy. During exertion, the rate of breathing of a pregnant woman increases more than that of a non-pregnant woman.

As a result of more blood being pumped, the lining of the airways receives more blood and swells to some extent, causing them to narrow. As a result, a pregnant woman sometimes feels stuffy in the nose, and the eustachian tubes (which connect the middle ear to the back of the nose) can become blocked. Dead ends. These effects can slightly alter the tone and quality of a woman's voice.

Digestion and food


Nausea and vomiting, especially in the morning (morning sickness), is common. It may be caused by elevated levels of estrogen and human chorionic gonadotropin, two hormones that help maintain pregnancy.

Nausea and vomiting can be relieved by changing the diet or eating patterns by doing the following


Drink and eat small amounts frequently

Eat before feeling hungry

eating bland foods (such as broth, soup, rice, and pasta)

Eat regular soda crackers and drink soft drinks

Keep crackers near the bed and eat a bite or two before getting up to ease a morning sickness

There are currently no medications specifically designed to treat morning sickness. Sometimes nausea and vomiting are so severe or persistent that dehydration, weight loss, or other problems occur—a disorder called hyperemesis gravidarum. Women with this disorder may need treatment with medications that You are relieved of nausea (anti-vomiting drugs) or you are temporarily admitted to the hospital and fluids are given intravenously.

Heartburn and belching are common symptoms, possibly because food stays in the stomach longer and because the sphincter at the lower end of the esophagus tends to relax, allowing stomach contents to back up into the esophagus. Several measures can help relieve heartburn. :

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Eat small meals

Avoid bending over or lying flat for several hours after eating

Avoiding caffeine, tobacco, alcohol, aspirin and related medications (salicylates)

Use of liquid antacids, except for antacids containing sodium bicarbonate because they contain a lot of salt (sodium)

Heartburn can be relieved at night by:


Not eating for several hours before going to bed

Raising the head of the bed or using pillows to elevate the head and shoulders

The stomach produces less acid during pregnancy. Thus, stomach ulcers rarely occur during pregnancy, and existing ulcers often begin to heal.

As the pregnancy progresses, pressure from the enlarging uterus on the rectum and lower part of the intestine may cause constipation. Constipation can worsen because the high level of progesterone during pregnancy slows the automatic waves of muscular contractions in the intestines that normally propel food. Follow-up may help. A high-fiber diet, drinking plenty of fluids, and exercising regularly can help prevent constipation.

Hemorrhoids, which are common problems that may result from the pressure of an enlarged uterus or from constipation. Stool softeners, anesthetic gels, or warm baths can be used when hemorrhoids develop.


Phantom cravings may occur, which is the desire to eat strange or non-food foods (such as starch or clay).

Pregnant women who suffer from morning sickness usually have excessive saliva. This symptom may be annoying, but it is harmless.

Gallstones seem to be more common during pregnancy.



The mask of pregnancy (melasma) is brown pigmented patches that may appear on the skin of the forehead and cheeks. The skin around the nipples (areola) may also darken. A dark line (called the linea nigra) usually appears down the center of the abdomen. These changes may be caused by the placenta producing a hormone It activates melanocytes, which are the cells that make a dark brown skin pigment (melanin). 

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