Wednesday, 23 August 2023

Learn about physical changes during pregnancy (1)

Learn about physical changes during pregnancy (1)

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Symptoms that should be reported to the doctor as soon as they occur during pregnancy
Persistent or unusual headaches
Persistent nausea and vomiting
sleight of head
vision disturbances
Pain or cramps in the lower abdomen
vaginal bleeding
Amniotic fluid leakage (colloquially described as “waters breaking, or waters breaking”)
Swelling of the hands or feet
Decreased urine production
Any disease or infection
Tremor (trembling of the hands, feet, or both)
Rapid heart rate
Decreased fetal movement
Public Health
Feeling tired is common, especially in the first 12 weeks and later in pregnancy. Women may need to rest more than usual.
The breasts tend to enlarge because hormones (mainly estrogen) prepare them to produce milk. Gradually more milk-producing glands become more and more capable of producing milk. the support.
During the last weeks of pregnancy, the breasts may produce a thin, yellow or milky secretion (colostrum). The breasts also produce colostrum during the first few days after birth, before milk is produced. This fluid is rich in minerals and antibodies and is the first food for a breastfed infant. .
Pregnancy causes many changes in a woman's body. Most of these changes disappear after childbirth. These changes cause some symptoms, which are normal. However, some disorders, such as gestational diabetes, can occur during pregnancy, and some symptoms may indicate such a disorder .

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The heart and blood flow
Because the fetus grows, a woman's heart must work harder during pregnancy, and the heart must pump more blood to the uterus. By the end of pregnancy, the uterus receives one-fifth of the blood supply that the woman's body received before pregnancy. During pregnancy, the amount of blood it pumps increases Heart (cardiac output) by 30-50%. As cardiac output increases, the resting heart rate increases from the normal pre-pregnancy level of about 70 bpm to 90 bpm during exercise. During sports, cardiac output and heart rate increase more in a pregnant woman than in a non-pregnant woman. By about the 30th week of pregnancy, cardiac output decreases slightly. It then increases during labor by an additional 30%. After delivery, cardiac output decreases rapidly at first. Then it slows down until it returns to the pre-pregnancy level about six weeks after delivery.

Some heart murmurs may appear and an abnormal heart rhythm may occur as a result of the heart working harder. Pregnant women may feel these changes at times. These changes are normal during pregnancy. However, heart sounds and other abnormal rhythms (eg, diastolic murmurs) may be needed. Diastolic heart murmurs are the murmurs that occur just before the heart contracts. 

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