Friday, 8 September 2023

9 types of foods that prevent the growth of cancer cells in the body. Learn about them

The benefits of tomatoes are many, as they contain lycopene, which contributes to fighting cardiovascular diseases. But it also contains antioxidants and contributes to fighting cancer cells. According to Harvard University, in a study from 1999, tomatoes reduce the risk of prostate cancer by about 30 percent, provided that you eat dishes rich in tomatoes daily.
Materials rich in fiber
It is recommended to eat foods rich in fiber, especially to reduce the risk of breast cancer, as opposed to avoiding sugars. According to a recent American study, eating 10 grams of oats or other oats daily is enough to reduce the risk of breast or pharyngeal cancer by seven percent.
Strawberries and their sisters
These fruits suppress the growth of tumors, thanks to the huge amounts of glycosides and antioxidants they contain. Many studies have shown that 15 pills daily can help fight breast and esophageal cancer.
Green vegetables
Including salad, green cabbage, broccoli, and others. Especially broccoli, doctors say it eliminates cancer-causing substances contained in red meat.
The acids, in turn, help stop the growth of tumors. It is recommended to drink citrus juice daily, provided that it is natural and not ready-made juice. Citrus peel is also very useful for reducing toxins in the body, but care must be taken that this peel is natural and free of toxic substances and pesticides that may be used in growing the fruit.
Poultry instead of cows
It has become known that red meat is a catalyst for the growth of cancerous tumors in the body. This is why it is recommended to eat chicken instead of cows or sheep, because it does not contain the same amount of toxic proteins.
Walnuts are particularly rich in a vitamin E called gamma tocopherol which is known to block the signaling pathway of a protease enzyme called Akt. This enzyme is responsible for regulating metabolism and cell survival. It also attacks and destroys cancer cells, and prevents, for example, the blocking of estrogen receptors and thus prevents breast cancer.
Fish is considered healthy because it contains omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D. Salmon and herring are touted as vitamin bombs. An American study examined about 48,000 men over a period of 12 years. Those who ate fish - preferably salmon - more than three times a week were 40 percent less likely to develop advanced prostate cancer. In women, eating fish is said to reduce the risk of breast cancer by almost half.
Don't eat too much salt
Eating large amounts of salt increases the level of sodium in the body, which is a risk factor for stomach cancer. According to an American study, 1.6 million people worldwide died from eating too much salt. Therefore, it is recommended to consume a maximum of two grams of sodium per day. Otherwise, it will increase the risk of tumors in the gastrointestinal area.
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