Sunday, 10 September 2023

How do they threaten human health? Is it possible to rely on one type of food to lose weight?

 Many people resort to using weight loss medications without consulting a doctor, although experts usually warn against them because their harms are greater than their benefits.

Incorrect use of these drugs causes a sharp increase in blood pressure, leading to a heart attack or stroke, according to doctors.

Recently, there has been an increase in demand for purchasing “slimming medications” and some herbal products via the Internet to get rid of obesity or excess weight, which is what doctors have warned against, as it is not possible to determine the quality and quantity of the ingredients contained within them.

Symptoms that require a visit to the doctor

   Drugs are chemicals that enter the body and are used by a doctor after a failed diet or frequent weight gain and loss.

   Reasons for using these medications include increasing calorie burning, suppressing appetite, preventing fat formation, and others

   There are several side effects of these medications, the most prominent of which are nausea and the risk of thyroid cancer if the genetic factor is present, stressing the need to take them after consulting a specialist doctor.

   The problem with these medications is that once they stop taking them, the individual can gain weight again.

As for the symptoms that require seeing a doctor after taking these medications, Tim summarized them as feeling general fatigue, suffering from constipation or abnormal diarrhea, and vomiting.

To lose weight .. Is it possible to rely on one type of food?


Some people resort to adopting one type of food in their daily meals and diet.

Nutrition experts confirm that diversifying foods is important to meet the individual’s nutrient needs to produce energy and growth, repair damaged tissues, and regulate biochemical reactions within the body.

The daily plate contains balanced amounts of food to ensure the basic elements of a healthy and complete meal.

Experts recommend reducing food and drinks that contain a high percentage of calories, fat, sugar, or salt, to reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

Tips for healthier nutrition

Chew food slowly and enjoy its taste, and eat breakfast daily to control feelings of hunger and lack of satiety.

Make sure your meal includes vegetables and fruits and eat more than drinking juice.

Choose meat without fat and cooked with a little salt, and drink skim or low-fat milk.

Eat at least two servings of fish each week, especially salmon, sardines, trout and mackerel.

Is it possible to rely on one type of food?

Regarding the most organized and beneficial diet for weight loss in light of the presence of many types of diets, the nutritional specialist explains that the best solution lies in eating regularly, diversely and rationally, in addition to practicing physical activity and sleeping well.

  Starches as a food group are harmless, but people have become dependent on simple and easy ones made of sugars and peeled wheat, which leads to health problems, noting that what we eat today has been subjected to many modifications, and it differs from what our ancestors ate in the past.

Regarding whether relying on one type of food helps in losing weight, the diet does not lead to weight loss, and may have many harms.

She advises the need for diversity in food, noting that completely eliminating sources of sugar will be one of the most difficult decisions a person will make in his life, because sugar is present in most foods, such as legumes, for example.

  Glucose is the main source of energy for the brain responsible for all body functions, and if a person refrains from consuming sugar, his body will search for it in non-sugar sources, by converting proteins or fats into sugar.

She explains that the metabolic processes that take place by converting fats and proteins into sugars produce substances that may cause many problems to humans if they accumulate, and may sometimes lead to mental retardation.

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