Sunday, 17 September 2023

What are the symptoms of egg fertilization?

Pregnancy begins when the sperm meets the egg. This stage is called fertilization, which results in the formation of a fertilized egg.

In fact, there are no clear symptoms associated with the occurrence of fertilization, and the symptoms and signs that a woman suffers from often occur after the implantation process, in which the fertilized egg implants in the wall of the uterus.

Abdominal cramps

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  The implantation of the fertilized egg causes a rapid change in hormone levels, which may lead to abdominal cramps, but this is not observed in all pregnant women, and if these cramps occur; They are described as mild when compared to menstrual cramps, and may coincide with lower back pain.

Vaginal discharge

  The properties of the mucus in the cervix are constantly changing due to the influence of many factors, and therefore it cannot be relied upon as one of the indicators of pregnancy, as the mucus can have different characteristics depending on the change in hormones, stress, or the implantation of the fertilized egg. In general, the differences in vaginal secretions can be explained according to the stages of pregnancy as follows


  The progesterone hormone prepares the uterine lining to receive the fertilized egg, as the percentage of progesterone increases when the egg implants. To maintain the sustainability of pregnancy

  But on the other hand, this sudden increase in the proportion of the hormone progesterone slows down the digestion process, and this leads to the accumulation of gases in the intestines, so a pregnant woman may feel abdominal bloating.

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Breast sensitivity to touch

Women often notice breast sensitivity to touch due to hormonal changes that occur during ovulation or in the period preceding menstruation. However, breast sensitivity to touch may also be an early sign of pregnancy. It occurs 1-2 weeks after fertilization of the egg

  It lasts for several weeks, with enlargement of the breasts and a feeling of tingling or itching

Mood Swings

A woman's mood swings during pregnancy are normal. Especially with the continuation of hormonal changes throughout pregnancy, including the stage of egg fertilization, here it is worth noting the need to consult a doctor if mood swings are associated with anxiety, depression, or thoughts of harming oneself.

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Low core body temperature

  Implantation of the fertilized egg may be accompanied by a decrease in basal body temperature. This is for one day, at a rate of only a few tenths; For example, a pregnant woman's temperature drops from 36.6 to 36.4 degrees Celsius, and this may be considered an answer to the question: How does a woman feel when the egg is fertilized?


Headache may be one of the signs of fertilization of the egg and the occurrence of pregnancy. The possibility of experiencing tension headaches increases during pregnancy due to the significant increase in hormone levels and the increase in blood volume in the pregnant woman 

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