Monday, 30 October 2023

Tips for choosing the right toothbrush

Tips for choosing the right toothbrush

According to experts, the correct choice of a toothbrush, the bristles of which should be synthetic, reduces the risk of tooth decay and other diseases of the oral cavity.

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Dentists point out that the toothbrush should be manual or electric, and one should focus on the bristles installed on the toothbrush head, which are usually three types - soft, used only in the case of severe gum disease, for children and in the early postoperative period, and medium-hard, which is recommended. Doctors use it, because it guarantees high-quality cleaning, and the third type is a brush with rough bristles, which can be used by people who do not suffer from problems with their teeth and gums.

According to dentists, electric toothbrushes have a number of advantages: they are more convenient to use, perform tens of times more cleaning movements, and have different systems for cleaning teeth with increased sensitivity. In addition, all family members can use one brush, but on the condition that the brush head and its working system are changed.

The toothbrush, both manual and electric, may be equipped with a special indicator of bristles wear, which allows you to know when to replace it with a new one. The toothbrush must also be changed after infection and after the dental cleaning process performed by the doctor in his clinic. 

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