Wednesday, 17 May 2017

How much do people in your job earn ? Highest Paying Jobs & Dangerous

How much do people in your job earn ?|   Highest Paying Jobs & Dangerous

Have you ever felt underpaid? Do you wonder if the person sitting next to you is being paid more to do the same job?

What about people in other jobs? Would you earn more if you changed careers?

Brain surgery is easily the highest-paid profession with neurosurgeons taking home $520,755 on average a year. They earn more in a fortnight than the average fast-food cook takes home in a year.

At the other end of the spectrum, the lowest paid occupation is fruit or nut picking, for which you can expect to earn about $16,000 per year.

Using the interactive, you can see the income for all sorts of occupations.

Baristas earn $23,413 on average, private investigators earn $63,336, lawyers $119,891 and race car drivers $79,307. There are also five men whose occupation is listed as "bungee jumping master", who earn $44,583 on average.

 Top 10 Highest Paying Jobs In The World

We work to spend our time in something beneficial, to get money and to be able to live a decent life. Some of those who look for a job care about the money that they will get more than the field in which they will work, although it is very important when you search for a job to care about the qualifications and the abilities that are required for the job that you want and if you are qualified enough to get such a job or not.  . They differ in the number of years that are required for being qualified, the number of hours that you spend doing your work, the duties and the knowledge that you possess.

10- Natural science managers $97,600

9- Marketing manager $100,100

8- Computer and information systems manager $100,222

7- Air traffic controller $100,500

6- Lawyers $110,600

5- Dentists $132,702

4- Airline pilots $134,090

3- Engineering managers $140,210

2-Chief executive officer(CEO) $140,890

1- Surgeons $181,850

It is a fact that the modern world today is full of opportunities. Those will talent do get appreciated and well paid to. While a range of jobs fall in the preview of top paying jobs, the best that can be considered are the one that give a lot of creative satisfaction besides helping one earn substantial amount.

now learn

 The 10 Most Dangerous Jobs In The World

Let’s face it; most of us would prefer to not work a day or night job. The ideal life would be to just lounge, relax, and enjoy what life has to offer. Unfortunately, bills have to be paid, and the only way to get the money to do that is to get a job. Depending on where you are in life, you might be working in fast food, retail, childcare, or you might have even reached the corporate level of the workforce. If you enjoy your job, consider yourself lucky among millions of people who hate their jobs, don’t have a job at all, or work a dangerous job that makes death loom over them everyday. Don’t believe us? Here are ten of the most dangerous jobs in the world.


Snake Milkers

Underwater Welder


Oil Riggers

Steel Workers

Crab Fisherman

Bush Pilots

Microchip Manufacturers


Bull Riders

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