Sunday, 29 May 2016

"Watts August" on Nokia's new phone

Were known famous Nokia on her, "Asha 210" and the new provider is fast, "Watts August" messaging service, and is the first phone Al worldwide is equipped with a special key for the application, "Watts August"; the latter was suspended gesture and wide as successfully brought millions of actors.

Nokia has relied on this application in the phone and given Give more attention to low-income people, and the phone is classified within the phones with low-budget, where it will not exceed $ 73, according to sources close proximity.
Nokia "Asha 210" new supports contacts 2G and provider communications system wifi plus additions social networking sites Twitter and Facebook, it is believed that the phone which will be introduced soon could deliver a resounding success in the proportion of sales due to its dependence on instant messaging service, which attracted millions of users being exchanged more than 8 billion message incoming and outgoing message 12 billion per day and this may be reflected on the Nokia phone service is also the fact that a very famous and visited by millions each month.

The phone comes soon to be released by the beautiful colors and sleek form, where it will come in four different colors of yellow, white, black, pink and blue.


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New iPhone App diagnose disease, "skin cancer"

New iPhone App diagnose disease, "skin cancer"

It is now possible diagnosis of Australia "skin cancer" disease, by the application has been disclosed Makhara known as knife Cech "Skin checkes" allows trackers Achammat suspicious skin burns caused by the sun's rays or other through the iPhone camera which is described Balah accuracy.
The glass on the surface of the iPhone smart phone Bokhadd image shows patches of moles, which are inspected by doctors and specialists who visit or make it difficult to reach them.

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It is noteworthy that this application will significantly help on their own population, both in the developed countries or the poor, who can not pay for the cost of this disclosure and the priceless high-priced, and will also help them to receive the result as soon as possible.

New - Club Sandwich

New - Club Sandwich
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Fried eggs with sliced mortadella and lettuce and cheese
  And mayonnaise and a tomato slice.

It can be used burrito bread
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أفكار لتقديم البيض على الإفطار


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Tamaghuyaga - Japanese style

Tamaghuyaga - Japanese style

Is a layer of eggs wrapped some,

And if we are full of good cooking
  We need a rectangular like this that's in a frying pan
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This video for clarification


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Ideas to make hard-boiled eggs

Ideas to make hard-boiled eggs

 Boiled eggs and full of important nutrients for the body
It can be served on the table with avocado or vegetables (for example, cut a tomato with a salt)

How to tell the maturity boiled egg?

We are on the market Nahtha plastic egg whites and cook with him, and the color changes depending on the end of cooking the egg

It means start becomes black edges and if all become a black color. This means that the egg matured fully ..

Thus we appreciate stop by boiling eggs matured to love him ..

This egg-shaped
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How to cook French toast marinade

How to cook French toast marinade

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 أفكار لتقديم البيض على الإفطار 

Whisk eggs and season with salt and add pepper, then put it in a large bowl and Ngmr the toast slices or sliced French bread,

Ngmr from both sides and then we will submit a frying pan and put them on the hot pancakes or device or roasting.

After what equips Alvrenc toast possible we offer with vegetables (tomatoes, peppers throw, green onions, or anything you love)

And decorate it possible to cut off cheese or grated Parmesan cheese.

A day used for heating or roasting bread, pancakes, roast the chicken,

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أفكار لتقديم البيض على الإفطار


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How to cook eggs with spinach and vegetables 

Her two methods (and possible dispense with spinach)
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Cut the vegetables (bell pepper, green onions or plain onion, tomato)

First heating the skillet and then add that softens the eggs with spinach mixture and complete the previous and the way we cover until tender.

Confuse everyone with the egg mixture and then set it all in the pan and complete as stated above.

The difference between the two methods:

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 Be the result of an omelet is very fragile and have a taste of vegetables mingled with more eggs.

The second method
 It would not be enough time for the vegetables he matures and therefore have almost uncooked vegetables and be more crispy and flavor stronger.

* Note: You can substitute any type of vegetable or laid off or add the cheese on the surface and then submit it or Nsaft white disk on in part.

- Many of the luxury restaurants add a little water or low-fat milk mixture to the egg

The reason for this is that the water long maturation of the egg operation and therefore have the eggs enough time that Antvh more before it matures and we learn the outcome of a fragile eggs more and puffy, and also if the water reaches boiling causes the Sgierh bubbles inside the eggs and this also gives a taste crisp and puffy ..

The normal milk contains fat therefore the idea will not be realized from it.

The idea to make an omelet

If the dish was great for Mjuah are cooking in a large pan and then cut it like pizza
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Download Chinese Store - vShare Market - FREE applications directly link

vshare-free download Chinese Store vShare Market for free applications (direct link)
 It provides a lot of applications and many distinctive and wonderful games, where you will not get bored of the usual applications and games in the Google store and Apple store and you'll find another new world provides you with a golden opportunity to download applications and games are 100% free.

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The application contains a very large gold and library Tzm very large number of free applications.
Application 100% Free and has a user-friendly interface, and handled very smoothly.
He feels the arrival of a new update to all-proclaimed in your mobile or tablet applications and allows automatic downloading of updates feature.
Speed ​​in loading and unloading and brought in from very fast servers.
The application arranges and classifies applications available for download in a practical and smooth to facilitate the search process and find the application to be loaded.
It does not need to work, "Jailbreak" for devices iPhone, iPad and iPod.
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It supports research in several different languages, including Arabic, English, French, German, Persian, Portuguese, Spanish, Japanese, Russian and many other languages.
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5 sites me to work from home via the Internet

5 sites me to work from home via the Internet

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The idea of ​​profit from the Internet is not just limited to: marketing products or profit from advertising, as some believe, but the Internet has no boundaries and opportunities to profit from it, and many are available for each one of us.
Here's your chance to work from home and earn money by sites
موقع Odesk / Elance

Freelance, but how?!
I do not mean here to collect a mailing list, and not create a site ... but the idea is limited to work, any other service but the latter you have to be an expert ..
Is if you have a talent on blogging I mean in English? Are you a programmer?! So I will provide you the best five sites where you can work as a Freelancer as discuss with the customer in order to do what "codify" "Programming" to agree on the price and accomplish then charge for it
You will notice next to the URL [blogger or programmer] means that the service is available for programming and blogging together. In case it was only available on blogging services will find [blogging].

Odesk / Elance [blogger or programmer]

Site Odesk / Ons

Thousands of services required and customers from all over the world, working Vantzark. The two signatories of the largest job sites across the Internet, is sufficient for registration and fill in the information and data as well as to talk about your experience and your level in one area either programming or blogging. You can thousands of people waiting for the service within the desired level service. Odesk second site needs to be accepted as a factor so that gives you simple questions in the field of programming or spelling errors, for example. Not possible that these sites world and including a large turnout and of course competition; This tried superiority and excellence for others to provide the better.
Odesk, Elance
Freelancer [blogger or programmer]

Freelancer site

موقع Freelancer
If thousands of people who seek their services to meet their business or this site was able to compete with former two sites so that is available on more than 9 million registered members and more than 5 million project, The opportunity for this in front of you. To the offer and demanded of services in addition to the programming and blogging is available on more than one service in particular areas such as design, engineering, marketing, translator ..
Craigslist [blogger or programmer]

Site Craigslist

Reload doing every day for the added services, it is a fertile market to work through it and reap considerable profits. If you have experience in blogging or programming or both, this location is very convenient you do not waste time waiting for work is.
Problogger Jobs [blogger]

Broblojajir-site Jobs

The idea of ​​this site that helps every blogger to develop his blog or his position better. Resides on this site bloggers and anything they want about blogging or develop their blogs, you can help them in return so that the customer can Contacted through his e-mail and agree to work.
Problogger Gypsum

GetACoder [programmer]

For lovers of programming, one of the best sites that provide jobs that are related to programming of all kinds, whether, games programming, software, applications ... some of the work requires achievement in a matter of hours and again in a week, a month is important is to work the required level. If you are sure that you have experience in this field what are you waiting.

Photoshop education at the hands of the largest trainers on YouTube

Photoshop education at the hands of the largest trainers on YouTube

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Photoshop education has now become easy availability of special technical sites that are interested in the field of photography and the effects on the pictures, so as not to prolong You Here are the most important source from which you can program photoshop know that Aluotob giant so that has been monitoring the most important channels of learning Photoshop and assembled here on the computer world.
Photoshop education at the hands of the largest trainers on YouTube
Photoshop education at the hands of the largest trainers on YouTube
Click on Awan channel to open it directly on Youtube

Channel B and H
 Photoshop images education
Private educational channel professionals who work on photography so that gives you the latest tips on anything and everything related to the camera. Containing more than 250+ of immense value for novice photographers video.
Fleurn channel
 Photoshop images education
Months of the channels that have the name of an ancient and great fame in the field of education Photoshop, the lessons are displayed in a special studio and explanation more clear and understandable. Personally, I was impressed by this channel that explain Photoshop images to detail.
Kratvlv channel

 Photoshop images education
Youtube channel professional rely on accredited trainers in Photoshop vocational education, a handful of free videos available on the YouTube channel videos because the company relies on an integrated site in the education of this program with the participation of $ 199.
Votoshobkiv channel

 Photoshop images education
Youtube teach Photoshop for photo channel through 43 lectures video takes you through the program to learn how to incorporate effects such as between the images and how to manipulate images.
Channel Drama
Just like the Channel B & H already refer to it, you will find a huge list of tutorials and tips. There are approximately 6000+ tapes that teach you the basics of Photoshop and Photography.
Anthony Mirjant channel

Channel training of first class so that gives you the tapes in the form of a consistent and integrated training courses. Anthony Morganti is one of the best coaches of photography you'll find on YouTube. Channel has playlists on general tips on photography and Osalibb and private Photoshop techniques. afternoon. It uses Photoshop CC but the steps apply to any version of CS5 and more. If you have this version Start training now.
Adobe channel fulfilled

Channel wonderful sense of the word even though I told subscribers, but it contains a wonderful lessons you learn techniques and skills in order to master the crisis Photoshop. It gives you 170 video will make you a professional for this gigantic program.

Saturday, 28 May 2016

Bursting Quick Hypersonic Plane on Track for 2018

Bursting Quick Hypersonic Plane on Track for 2018 

In Photos: Australia's Hypersonic 'HIFiRE' Project

A hypersonic plane motor that could be utilized to fly individuals from Sydney to London in only 2 hours is on track to make its first flight in 2018, as indicated by the Australian researchers and designers dealing with the task. 

A week ago, the analysts led a test rocket dispatch at the Woomera Test Range, situated around 310 miles (500 kilometers) northwest of Adelaide, in the South Australian outback. 

A test vehicle, intended to accumulate information about hypersonic flight in the upper air, dispatched from Woomera to an elevation of 173 miles (278 km) and achieved its objective velocity of Mach 7.5 — seven and a half times the rate of sound, or around 5,700 mph (9,200 km/h). [See Photographs of Australia's Hypersonic "HIFiRE" Project] 

In the engine 

Supersonic ignition ramjet motors, known as scramjets, can blaze hydrogen fuel and oxygen from the environment at hypersonic speeds — above Mach 5, or five times the rate of sound, a long ways past the velocities conceivable with standard plane motors. In 2011, a trial scramjet created by the U.S. military's Safeguard Propelled Research Ventures Organization (DARPA) achieved Mach 20 — around 13,000 mph, or 20,900 km/h — before it lost control. 

Sometime in the not so distant future, business flying machine with hypersonic scramjets may zip voyagers around the globe in only a couple of hours, or dispatch satellites into space. Yet, in this way, the principle push for hypersonic innovation has originated from militaries that see vital quality in hypersonic weapons and spy planes.

The most effective method to Recoup From Early Sun Harm - Keep Skin Shielded From The Sun

The most effective method to Recoup From Early Sun Harm - Keep Skin Shielded From The Sun 


Treating harmed skin brought on by unnecessary sun introduction must be done well away. Else, your skin will most likely debilitate. It will in the long run moderate down in its creation of collagen and elastin. Collagen and elastin are the essential dermis segments that give a smooth and strong structure to the skin. 

Besides, our skin likewise creates more melanin when presented to the sun. This is a path for our body to switch the negative impacts of radiation. As we get more seasoned, our skin could no more control melanin creation. This triggers the presence of age spots and pigmentation issues. 

On account of all these looming issues, you ought to figure out how to recuperate from early sun harm. Here are the things you have to do: 

1. In the event that your skin has been smoldered from the sun, make an effort not to utilize anything unforgiving on it for a couple days. Give it a chance to recuperate and mend first before utilizing adjusting items or creams. Even better, apply crushed avocado blended with milk. 

Avocado is a rich wellspring of a few sorts of vitamins including Vitamin E, Vitamin A, Vitamin B1 and Vitamin B2. You can likewise get a decent measure of Vitamin D from this natural product. Notwithstanding these vitamins, it likewise contains amino acids that can advance the generation of keratin. It has pantothenic corrosive that can mend distinctive skin illnesses, for example, dermatitis and psoriasis. It is little ask why this natural product works so well in soothing sun harms. 

2. Once your skin has recuperated totally and the peeling procedure has ceased, you can have a go at utilizing powerful normal medicines, for example, lemon juice with nectar. Lemon juice can gradually lessen the creation of melanin so your skin shading can come back to typical. This will likewise mix Vitamin C to your dermis. This vitamin improves your body's capacity to recuperate from radiation. It additionally enhances the creation of collagen. Nectar saturates the more profound layers of the skin generally untreated by other saturating medicines. This likewise has hostile to maturing advantages. 

3. Utilize a saturating cream that can empower development of collagen and repair harmed tissues. Search for an item that has been stacked with CynergyTK, Phytessence Wakame and Nano Lipobelle HEQ10. 

CynergyTK is a fixing that has been removed from the fleece of sheep. This is one of the best wellsprings of utilitarian keratin. Keratin is required for the consistent recovery of collagen. Phytessence Wakame is a sort of ocean kelp that can keep the loss of hyaluronic corrosive. This is the corrosive that greases up collagen. Nano Lipobelle HEQ10 is your defender against unsafe free radicals. It will guarantee great cell wellbeing for a more extended timeframe

The most effective method to Dodge Untimely Skin

The most effective method to Dodge Untimely Skin

When all else fails, pull out a sunhat!

1.Limit sun presentation. The key is to open yourself just to what you require. Limit your presentation time under the sun's top hours which is between 10AM to 4pm. 

2.Wear defensive garments. A wide overflowed cap is an unquestionable requirement particularly when you are heading off to the shoreline or simply walking around the recreation center. A cool, light hued shirt with sleeves covering the arms is additionally prescribed. A long skirt for ladies and long jeans for men to secure the legs. You could likewise wear your most loved shades to shield your eyes and eyelids from the glaring sun. 

3.Use sunscreen. Sunscreen creams can assimilate the sun's unsafe bright beams and give your skin that required assurance. Never forget that the higher the SPF, the better and more you get your skin shielded from the beams of the sun. Reapply sunscreens regularly, particularly subsequent to swimming or sweating intensely. Likewise search for an expansive range sunscreen which shields your from the UVA and UVB beams of the sun. 

4.Always rehydrate with water. You may not see it but rather introduction to the sun makes your body lose dampness through the skin by sweating. Bringing your trust water bottle pushes you to rehydrate your body and your skin also. 

These are only a couple of imperative tips to keep your body and your skin assurance from the sun. Slighting these may bring about over introduction to the sun UV beams and can prompt:

How to avoid the blazing sun

Use sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15.

.Limit sun presentation. The key is to open yourself just to what you require. Limit your presentation time under the sun's top hours which is between 10AM to 4pm. 

Wear defensive garments. A wide overflowed cap is an unquestionable requirement particularly when you are heading off to the shoreline or simply walking around the recreation center. A cool, light hued shirt with sleeves covering the arms is additionally prescribed. A long skirt for ladies and long jeans for men to secure the legs. You could likewise wear your most loved shades to shield your eyes and eyelids from the glaring sun. 

Use sunscreen. Sunscreen creams can assimilate the sun's unsafe bright beams and give your skin that required assurance. Never forget that the higher the SPF, the better and more you get your skin shielded from the beams of the sun. Reapply sunscreens regularly, particularly subsequent to swimming or sweating intensely. Likewise search for an expansive range sunscreen which shields your from the UVA and UVB beams of the sun. 

Always rehydrate with water. You may not see it but rather introduction to the sun makes your body lose dampness through the skin by sweating. Bringing your trust water bottle pushes you to rehydrate your body and your skin also. 

These are only a couple of imperative tips to keep your body and your skin assurance from the sun. Slighting these may bring about over introduction to the sun UV beams and can prompt: 

how do you avoid the sun?

how do you avoid the sun?
When all else fails, pull out a sunhat!

The sun can do a great deal more harm than just give you an excruciating sunburn. Dermatologists (skin specialists) say that delayed presentation to daylight causes cocoa spots; red, flaky spots; drying and wrinkling; and, to top it all off, skin disease. 

However, how would you keep away from the sun? That is precarious. Some of the time, your day at the shoreline may end up being a great deal more sunburned than sand-filled. On the off chance that your skin doesn't deliver the defensive melanin shade well or in case you're presented to the sun before enough color can be produced and scattered, the bright beams execute skin cells. Indeed, even a gentle sunburn that produces just a little redness pulverizes the top layer of your skin, pretty much as though you had burned it with a hot iron. 

Regardless of these inexorably surely understood perils of sun presentation, large portions of us, once in a while, get lethargic with regards to securing our skin or can't avoid the myth that getting some shading from the sun makes us look more advantageous. On the following few pages, take in some approaches to effortlessly minimize sun presentation so you can invest energy outside securely.

Cover Up

One of the best things you can do is concealment. The sun's beams are most extraordinary between 10 a.m. furthermore, 4 p.m. Stay inside amid this time, or on the off chance that you should be outside, concealment and wear sunscreen. The Skin Malignancy Establishment says that caps and garments made of dim, firmly woven materials retain bright light superior to anything cotton fabrics in lighter shades. Dry fabrics offer more insurance than wet ones.

Spread on Sunscreen 
Use sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15.

The Communities for Illness Control and Aversion suggests wearing sunscreen with a sun security variable (SPF) of no less than 15. Make sure to spread it on sufficiently thick: Applying just a slim covering of a sunscreen can decrease the viability of the item by as much as 50 percent. Waterproof sunscreen is ideal in the event that you'll be swimming.

Apply Early and Regularly 

Reapply sunscreen every two hours or more often if you're sweating or getting wet.

Apply sunscreen 20 to 30 minutes before presentation to permit the skin to ingest it. What's more, reapply it like clockwork - all the more regularly in case you're sweating or getting wet. On the off chance that you have reasonable skin, you may even need to start get ready for sun introduction the prior night by putting on a layer of sunscreen before bed; this will permit it to be altogether assimilated into the skin's external layer. At that point apply the typical layer of sunscreen the following day, around a half hour before you go outside. 

The sun can likewise blaze the delicate skin on the lips simply as it flames whatever is left of your body. Even under the least favorable conditions, the harm can prompt skin growth. Utilize a lip salve with a SPF of no less than 15 and reapply frequently.

Thursday, 19 May 2016

What foods during pregnancy crisis

It's time to change your diet, and antagonize to receive a burly kid, fortified immune. Studies have found that the pregnant woman is in desperate need for some types of vitamins and minerals than any other time, which is vitamin C, folic acid, calcium, protein, fiber, as well as other nutrients.

Here are five of the most delicious, and the richest foods these nutrients that should be within the daily diet schedule while you are pregnant.


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1. Orange juice: for

A. This orange juice contains vitamin C, folic acid only, but is considered a good source of potassium, which helps to reduce high blood pressure, a dangerous situations during pregnancy.

2. Milk

Good source of protein, plus it is a rich source of calcium than milk. It also contains active bacteria reduce the risk of yeast infections, the most common infections in pregnant women. Make sure you do not suffer from lactose sensitivity.

3. Broccoli:

Also a wonderful source of calcium, it also rich in vitamin C, folic acid, vitamin B6. You can add broccoli to your daily diet easily, Aslekaya or Bake on low heat.

4. Lentils: Like beans,

 lentils wonderful source of folate and rich in iron and protein. It is also rich in fiber, which prevents injury constipation, hemorrhoids and therefore disturbing that affects more pregnant.

5. dried figs

: Delicious fruit, dried figs contain fibers more than any other fruit, and more potassium than bananas, in addition to calcium, and iron.

foods during the menstrual cycle

foods during the menstrual cycle


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Get to know friendly foods for this period, and some foods that do not fit the needs of your body at this time, here is what you need to know about it:

Complex carbohydrates:

 During the menstrual cycle, you eat more fruits and vegetables, whole grains, helps the fruit of complex carbohydrates and sugar to reduce the craving for sugar. Take care to eat apricots, oranges, peaches, pears, cucumbers and (artichokes), corn and carrots.

No caffeine
It helps reduce the amount of caffeine to reduce puffiness and soothe the nerves of the stomach, on the other hand, caffeine increases the acidity of the stomach, so Take care to drink herbal tea instead of coffee.

Calcium Foods:

 Women need 1200 mg of calcium a day, the most important sources of calcium plant spinach, cabbage and broccoli, as well as milk and milk products.

Do not salt


: Despite the importance of salt for health, but the abundance increases water retention and bloating, and during the period of the menstrual cycle you should follow the dietary recommendations of health for salt, which restrict sodium intake to 2300 mg per day, or approximately one teaspoon of salt over Today.

Dark Alchokolanh:

 Strive every day to eat a piece of dark chocolate, 60 percent cocoa or more. Dark chocolate contains antioxidants and mood enhancers.


 It helps to drink more water to reduce swelling, and rest the body. In any case, the body of water will increase output during this period, so you have to compensate the loss.

: Taking supplements and multivitamins of actions that reduce the body's troubles during the menstrual cycle.

Simple Exercises for slimming the abdomen

 Simple Exercises for slimming the abdomen


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If you suffer from the accumulation of fat in the abdominal area and want a quick and simple solutions to get rid of them once and offer you exclusively on diet first magazine in the world of Arab Health Fitness & Beauty simple exercises for slimming the abdomen through the following article.

First Exercise:

National sleep on the ground, lying on your back with your put your arms beside your body and then nationalist lifting your legs taking care to be Aljzaan on the same angle that the legs and when Trfien your feet up nationalist install your legs for ten seconds and then Akhvdehma with a repeat this exercise twenty times.
Exercise II:

National sleep on the ground, lying on your back with your put your arms next to your body and try to raise Jzaak ground with constipation legs and raising them as far as you can and then national to stay in this position for a little while and then Udi down again with a recurrence of this exercise fifteen times .
Third Exercise:

National sleep on the ground, lying on your back with interlock your hands behind your head and nationalist bend my knees to your chest as much as you can and then nationalist lifting your legs to the top at an angle of ninety degrees and then nationalist bend your knees to your chest again, and then nationalist extended legs forward at an angle of five and forty degrees nATIONAL then return to the first position with a repeat this exercise ten times.

Exercise Four:

National sleep on the floor and Obaadi between your feet and plexiglass your hands behind your head, and then try to raise your head and shoulders to the top of so-spectrum contact Kuaak together try to maintain this position for ten seconds and then Return to the first position with a repeat this exercise for ten times.
Exercise V:

National sleep on the ground, lying on your back and knees bent until it reaches the heels of your feet to the pelvis and then plexiglass your hands behind your head and nationalist trying to sit down and then return to the first position again without moving your feet on the ground with a repeat this exercise ten times and can work without this exercise, bend your knees should be doing with the individual legs on the floor and repeat the same steps.
Exercise VI:

National sleep on the ground with extending your right leg on the ground and nationalist bend your left knee hand your chest until Tsttiei should be doing to holding your knee with both hands and try to sit with no left knee and then Return to the first situation again NATIONAL then repeat the same exercise with your left leg and your right knee with a repeat this exercise for ten times.
Exercise VII:

National to sit on the ground and BAEIDI between your feet and legs with the MDC to your arms by your side and then national Twist your torso to try to touch your left foot with the right hand and then Return to the first situation again and nationalist repeat this exercise with your right foot and mm then re these steps twenty times.

long hair and shiny of Indian women

1. Henna

Henna of the most important natural herbs which are used to take care of the poetry of Indian women. It is used to clean and moisturize the scalp hair. Henna powder is mixed with any of the natural oils, honey or water to obtain a homogeneous mixture. The resulting mixture is distributed on the scalp and tufts of hair smoothness and shine not Adahaan. Also it can be used to dye hair brown.

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2. Neem

Mix neem leaves with coconut oil to fight infections of the scalp and dry hair. As well as helping to clean up the scalp and promote protein.

3. aloe vera

Aloe vera or cactuses effective for hair care and hair loss treatment health herbs leaves. It is also used to clean the hair and scalp as a substitute for shampoo.

4. sesame oil

Sesame seeds can be used to stimulate hair follicles and Tenaimh growth. Sesame oil is also used as an effective moisturizer and essential treatment to get rid of hair loss.

5. salts

Salts of the best natural herbs used to increase the density of hair and stimulate growth. It also helps to get rid of itchy scalp, dandruff treatment. Salts can be used individually or by mixing with the henna powder to dye hair dark brown.

6. Coconut oil

Coconut oil is one of the best treatments that are used to get rid of all the problems faced by the hair. It is also an effective alternative to many of Hair Care. Astkhaddmah on your hair before shampoo to get the results of charming and shiny hair, helps to protect hair from exposure to harmful chemicals in shampoo.

Celebrity secrets to weight loss

Jessica Simpson

After being the star Jessica Simpson large increase in weight during pregnancy and childbirth, I decided to engage in a challenge with itself in order to regain agility. Simpson relied initially on movement and jogging with either her husband or her children, as she was keen to do no less than 10,000 dynamic step per day to remain active and in constant motion.

Simpson also focused on set weekly goals for weight loss, so that a total number of calories that should not be violated and sports movements that must be exercised. When achieved for these short-term goals, increasing their sense of joy and determination to achieve the next target.

Chloe Kardashian

Secret Khloé Kardashian was not to lose weight is to deprive themselves from eating foods that are so beloved, but rely on the arduous exercise. Although this made to lose weight and slow process, but she wanted to be without its food fun.

Kim Kardashian

Unlike her sister, actress Kim Kardashian keen after giving birth to follow a diet harsh, which is famous for the Atkins weight loss system. System is based on the intake of proteins, ie, meat, seafood, eggs, low-fat and low-salt cheese, I drink at least eight glasses of water daily. Also eating a low sugar and natural fruits and vegetables in large quantities without adding fat to it. In addition to drinking sugar-free liquids such as coffee, herbs and green tea sugar-free syrups.  

How to get rid of pallor during the accursed

How to get rid of pallor during the accursed

There is a beautiful who radiates vitality, Valuge beautiful betrays good health. If you're dieting job and notice that your face became very pale, Voalma Ngvelin you're eating foods that enhance the beauty of your face. If you want to continue dieting and get rid of the yellowing and pale face, Vatbaa the following tips:

1. Drink plenty of water throughout the day because the water is primarily responsible for the hydration and the health of your skin, even if it took that Tstaana some tricks to Tlzimai yourself with plenty of drinking water.

2. No Ngvla a cup of green tea every day because it prevents the body from the risk of skin cancer. It is also anti-inflammatory and contains antioxidants.
3. Eat a tomato, olive oil and fruits; especially strawberries, peaches and cranberries, and vegetables in general, specifically artichokes and beans. This is in addition to the dark vegetables because they contain a high content of antioxidants, and therefore protect skin cells from damage and protect the skin from damage caused by sunlight, Vtqll the chances of premature aging of the skin.

4. know you do not take you any percentage of fat in your food, but it hurts too much skin. So make sure to add olive oil, safflower oil and flaxseed, salmon to your meals. This is because it protects the skin from damage due to contain fatty acids.

5. Make sure to put nuts and avocados into your diet Balrgim your system, because they Imdan body including the needs of the body's beneficial oils.

6. Always eat foods that increase the rate of collagen in the body, because collagen is responsible for skin moisturizing and freshness protein.

7. should be eating foods that contain vitamin A which is available in the dairy products and carrots.

The complete guide to take care of mixed skin

The complete guide to take care of mixed skin

Considered mixed skin of the most difficult types of skin It combines dry and oily. If you'll notice that the owners of the nose, chin, forehead fatty areas, while the rest of the face parts shall be dry, so mixed Valepeshrh gathered in the vast problems between the appearance of pores and blackheads and shine different parts of the face. Below I'll give you a complete guide to take care of mixed skin.
- Wash your face on a daily basis mild mouthwash free of any scented materials, or choose the types involving honey or milk completely and bitch about all the normal types of soap often stay hurt the skin and cause a drought.

- If you are using a toner after lye should not contain alcohol or Almitnol or any natural scented materials or industrial, or even acid oils. Use only toner that contains antioxidants because it will protect your skin from damage and will contribute significantly to the closure of the open pores.

- Sunscreen is very necessary for the hybrid to your skin, So try to use it on a daily basis to guard against the symptoms of premature aging and sun's harmful rays. You can choose your base cream and powder factor sun protection for more protection. For sensitive skin, choose a sun cream contains a substance titanium dioxide or zinc oxide.

- Use peeled once a week to get rid of dead cells and preferably contains a substance BHA because they are suitable for oily skin and normal, dry and helps to clean the pores deeply and closed.

- Do not forget to put a humidifier on a daily basis on your skin, here you have to choose Gel moisturizer or plain cream and put it on dry areas of the face only. If the area around the eyes dry Use a moist-eyed skin to pr

Wednesday, 18 May 2016

how two millennials cope and adapt to life without the internet

how two millennials cope and adapt to life without the internet

Earlier this year I made the conscious decision to remove all Internet service from my home. It ended up being the best productivity decision I’ve ever made.
I was not content with the time I was wasting—I felt I could do more purposeful things with my time than spend it on the Internet.
This doesn’t mean I think the Internet is evil, bad, or wrong—it’s not. The Internet is an amazing tool, one that changed my life for the better.
But you run a popular website, how could you possibly go without Internet service at home?
My answer is easy: I plan my Internet use. I don’t do so in a regimented way—it’s not like I say, “OK, I’ll be on Twitter from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. next Thursday.” If I see something I want to research on the Internet, I write it down and use that list when I have Internet access.
Now I’m forced to leave the house to access the Internet. I’ll go to the office, the library, the coffee shop, or some other place with free public Wi-Fi, and I’ll grab a cup of coffee or something to eat and work on all the stuff I need to do online (publish writing, check email, read blogs, get on goofy websites, etc.). Additionally, because I’m out of the house and there are people around, I meet new people.
But you’re a writer, Joshua, and that’s why it made sense for you! I need the Internet for homework/work-work/Netflix/online dating/online gaming/updating my Facebook status/playing Farmville/surfing eBay for shit I don’t need/stalking my high school boyfriend/etc./etc.
You probably don’t, and maybe it’s time to look in the mirror and be honest with yourself.
I was able to reclaim the time I once wasted. No longer am I taking unconscious breaks from my life to watch YouTube videos, movie trailers, or to look at funny pictures on some random site.
Now when I’m on the Internet, it has a purpose—it is a tool I use to enhance my life. Sure, sometimes I log on to watch some funny videos or laugh at memes, but I go to the Internet with the intention of doing these things.
Whenever I’m on the Internet now, I use it in a deliberate way, in a way that benefits me and my life, a way that adds value.
When I got rid of the Internet at home, I did it mostly so I could focus on writing without distractions—but I found so many extra benefits since I got rid of the Internet:

terrifying moment How to Launch a Rocket Into Space

terrifying moment How to Launch a Rocket Into Space

On Friday 8 April 2016, SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket launched a mission to deliver a spacecraft called Dragon with its payload of supplies and experiments into a trajectory towards the International Space Station (ISS). Most remarkably, the first-stage booster then landed on a ship (see below).

The first stage of the huge Saturn V rocket that launched them into space burned for about three minutes and then crashed into the ocean. The second stage burned for a further six minutes, taking the craft into near-Earth orbit. It too was jettisoned and then burned up during its descent to Earth. The third stage burned for nine more minutes to send the astronauts towards the moon—again burning up on re-entry. The Saturn V rocket, at a cost of $6 billion in 1969, was completely lost.