Sunday, 29 May 2016

How to cook eggs with spinach and vegetables 

Her two methods (and possible dispense with spinach)
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Cut the vegetables (bell pepper, green onions or plain onion, tomato)

First heating the skillet and then add that softens the eggs with spinach mixture and complete the previous and the way we cover until tender.

Confuse everyone with the egg mixture and then set it all in the pan and complete as stated above.

The difference between the two methods:

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 Be the result of an omelet is very fragile and have a taste of vegetables mingled with more eggs.

The second method
 It would not be enough time for the vegetables he matures and therefore have almost uncooked vegetables and be more crispy and flavor stronger.

* Note: You can substitute any type of vegetable or laid off or add the cheese on the surface and then submit it or Nsaft white disk on in part.

- Many of the luxury restaurants add a little water or low-fat milk mixture to the egg

The reason for this is that the water long maturation of the egg operation and therefore have the eggs enough time that Antvh more before it matures and we learn the outcome of a fragile eggs more and puffy, and also if the water reaches boiling causes the Sgierh bubbles inside the eggs and this also gives a taste crisp and puffy ..

The normal milk contains fat therefore the idea will not be realized from it.

The idea to make an omelet

If the dish was great for Mjuah are cooking in a large pan and then cut it like pizza
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