What to feed your rabbit
Hay or grass should be the basis of your rabbit’s diet, and a few fresh vegetables should be offered as well. Remember cereal-based diets (the muesli-type) are high in sugar and low in minerals, and therefore should not be given. Small quantities of high-fibre pellets are a better choice.
There are also complete foods commercially available but hay should still make up to three-quarters of the rabbit’s diet. They need a daily variety of fresh vegetables and fruit, washed thoroughly before feeding. Think natural – good foods are carrots, spinach, watercress, broccoli, celery, apples and dandelion leaves. Never give rabbits grass cuttings as this will cause serious health problems. Dried ready grass is available from pet shops, and this is acceptable. Fresh water must always be available and changed daily. Make sure, if using a water bottle, that it is working properly.
Rabbit care
A healthy rabbit is alert and lively. Check your rabbit every day without fail and look out for any changes in appearance or behaviour. Symptoms of poor health include scaly patches inside the ears, a discharge from the eyes or nose, swellings or diarrhoea. Your rabbit’s back and front teeth must be checked regularly especially if they are beginning to lose weight for no apparent reason. Dental problems are common in rabbits.
All rabbits should be regularly vaccinated against the potentially fatal diseases, myxomatosis and viral haemorrhagic disease (VHD). Rabbit vaccinations are an essential part of keeping your pet healthy. Check with your vet who will decide how often this needs to be done. It is a good idea to have rabbits neutered as this lessens the risk of disease and behavioural problems. Neutered rabbits can also be easier to house train.
Remember that rabbits are at risk from fly strike if not regularly checked during the hot weather so care must be taken to ensure your rabbits’ bottoms are kept clean.
Daily grooming is essential for long-furred varieties. Short-coated rabbits should be groomed on a weekly basis, as this will reinforce the human/animal bond. If you are at all worried about any aspect of your rabbit’s health, always seek veterinary advice.
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