Sunday, 8 October 2023

10 foods that kill sexual desire, destroy your abilities, and push you to the lowest levels of weakness Sexual

10 foods that kill sexual desire, destroy your abilities, and push you to the lowest levels of weakness


Discover the truth about vitamin D and exactly what you need to do to deal with a deficiency for a healthier life! --------

Many people suffer from erectile dysfunction, which causes them anxiety and causes them to live an unstable life. This is due to the unhealthy diet that they eat most of their time.

Studies confirm day after day the role of food, both positively and negatively, in a person’s physical and psychological health. Just as there are foods that help improve the sexual life of spouses, there are dishes and foods that should be avoided or not eaten in excess.

Scientists say that an unbalanced production of the hormones testosterone in men and estrogen in women can lead to an increase or decrease in sexual desire in both males and females.

  Foods that reduce human sexual desire

    1. Processed foods and processed materials

  It practically eliminates nutrients from foods, such as zinc, which loses three-quarters of its nutritional value in manufactured flour.

Zinc is very important for men's sexual ability and reproduction

2. Diet soda

  Drinking soda is a bad idea for those looking for prolonged sexual desire, as the drink affects testosterone levels,

It also contains the substance used aspartame, which contains an amount of sugar 200 times greater than natural sugar

  3. Microwave popcorn

  The chemicals contained in popcorn not only reduce sexual desire, but

  It may even lead to problems in the prostate gland,

  This is even more so when “popcorn” is prepared using a microwave

4. Marijuana

In addition to its many harms, marijuana reduces the level of testosterone in the body for 24 hours after consuming it.

5. Cheese

  Eating too much cheese leads to a disturbance in the level of production of sex hormones in humans.

  Therefore, it is preferable to consume it in moderation.

  6. Canned soup: This soup contains large amounts of sodium.

  Thus, the amount of gases in the stomach doubles

  If a person wants to eat it, he must put it in water before eating

   7. Licorice

  25 grams of licorice is sufficient to reduce testosterone in men

Several medical studies call for avoiding consuming licorice before marital intercourse

8. Mint

Simply chewing mint-flavored gum contributes to reducing sexual desire

  9. Alcohol

Alcohol destroys a man's motivation to have sex, as well as reducing the production of testosterone

10. Baked potatoes

  This food reduces blood movement in the reproductive organs in males.

  Which ultimately leads to erectile dysfunction until the end of the sexual process.


Discover the truth about vitamin D and exactly what you need to do to deal with a deficiency for a healthier life!  

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