Friday, 27 October 2023

Effective ways to get rid of excess weight after giving birth

 Effective ways to get rid of excess weight after giving birth

After giving birth, it can be difficult to lose the extra weight you gained during pregnancy. However, there are some effective methods that can help you lose excess weight in a healthy and sustainable way. Here are some tips:

Eat healthy meals: Try to eat healthy, balanced meals that contain a variety of fruits, vegetables, plant and animal proteins, and whole grains. Reduce your intake of processed foods, soft drinks, and fast food.

Control portion size: Try to eat small, frequent meals throughout the day instead of eating large meals. This may help increase metabolism and reduce appetite.

Exercising regularly: Consult your doctor before starting any sporting activity after giving birth. Light exercises such as walking, swimming, and muscle-strengthening exercises can help you burn calories and improve your fitness.

Refrain from crash diets: Avoid sticking to crash diets or excessively reducing calories, as this can lead to a deficiency of important nutrients and a negative impact on your health and your baby’s breastfeeding if you are breastfeeding.

Relax and get good sleep: Try to get enough rest and good sleep. Stress and lack of sleep may lead to increased appetite and difficulty managing weight.

Breastfeeding: If you are breastfeeding, breastfeeding may help burn calories and speed up the return of your uterus to its normal size.

Does weight loss affect milk production in general?

Experts warn that following a strict low-calorie diet reduces the volume of milk by 15%, and in some cases, a significant lack of thermal energy may cause the cessation of milk production. Therefore, consult a nutritionist to guide you on the proper way to lose weight without affecting milk production.

Does breastfeeding accelerate weight loss?

Research has proven that breastfeeding is a way that helps you regain your basic weight little by little, and shrinks the uterus to its normal size. When the breastfeeding period lasts 3 months or more, experts believe that breastfeeding accelerates the mother’s weight loss process and facilitates getting rid of excess grease and fat that she gained during pregnancy. . But this does not mean that a breastfeeding mother can overeat food and calories.

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