Monday, 9 October 2023

Warning for women: Skin changes on your skin confirm that you have breast cancer

 Warning for women: Skin changes on your skin confirm that you have breast cancer

Breast cancer is one of the most common types of cancer. It most often affects women over the age of 50, and approximately one in eight women is diagnosed with breast cancer.

Breast cancer usually has several different symptoms, the first of which is the presence of a lump in one of the breasts. However, there are changes in your skin that you should be aware of, especially since early detection of breast cancer improves your chance of a complete recovery.

Skin signs that you should pay attention to regarding breast cancer 1- Skin thickness The National Health Service states that one of the first signs of breast cancer is the presence of a thickened area of breast tissue.

Experts say the skin will be firm or rubbery, and you may also experience lumps in the area where the skin has become thick.

Normal breast tissue varies in consistency for different women and can change during the menstrual cycle.

The main causes of breast cancer - here are the most prominent

2- Dimpling Dimpling on the skin of your breasts is also another sign of breast cancer.

If the dimpling is caused by breast cancer, you may feel warmth, and you may also feel pain in this area.

3- Skin rash Another skin symptom of breast cancer is the appearance of a skin rash on or around the nipple.

This is usually a red or scaly rash and can sometimes resemble eczema.

The rash can also be itchy, which is why it can sometimes be confused with eczema, and it's important if you have any of these signs that you see your GP.

   Other main symptoms of breast cancer

- A change in the size or shape of one or both breasts.

- Discharge from one nipple, which may be stained with blood.

- A lump or swelling in either armpit.

- A change in the appearance of the nipple, such as it becoming sunken in your breast.

In many cases, breast pain is not a sign of breast cancer, but experts usually recommend that you examine your breasts at least once a month, so that you can notice any changes quickly.

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